MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:56hs.
Lottery pools sales could go digital

Caixa presents new project for online gaming to São Paulo lottery entrepreneurs

Caixa held a meeting with lottery entrepreneurs from São Paulo at Sincoesp - Union of Commissioners and Consignees of the State of São Paulo to exchange ideas on the advancement of digital operations in the sector worldwide and what can be done in Brazil to benefit the network and bring a new audience to this type of betting.

Caixa’s Vice-President, Edilson Carrogi Viana, met with lottery businessmen at Sincoesp – Union of Commissioners and Consignees of the State of São Paulo to discuss the growth of digital lottery operations around the world. On the occasion, he presented a project still, under construction, for the sale of draws over the internet to benefit the lottery network with the increase in users that physical stores are no longer reaching.

Through the numbers, Carrogi showed that the lottery's target public is changing “and, worse, dying. Traditional gamers are getting older and young people are focusing much more on digital channels.”

What Caixa's lottery area wants is to seek out this new public and train entrepreneur to also enter where this public has been operating.

As everything that is new causes strangeness and fear, with the lottery entrepreneur it is no different. At first, the idea was not very well received. Some entrepreneurs saw this action as a way for Caixa to gain digital space so that physical stores began to disappear.

Vice-president Edilson Carrogi made it clear that Caixa's objective is not to end the physical channel nor to take a product (the lottery pools) that was created by the lottery. What Caixa expects is to offer an audience that today's businessmen in the sector don't have, and that already exceeds thousands.

He also highlighted that, now, with foreign betting sites multiplying and with the volume of publicity they present in great prominence, the public is migrating to these sites that show more attractive games, such as sports betting, instead of traditional games in physical means. “This needs to be reversed. What you need to be aware of is, WHEN the lottery entrepreneur will earn in digital media and not IF he will enter this channel.”

Throughout the presentation, there was a clear change in the vision of those present, who at first were reticent and later realized that there are many possibilities to be explored with this project.

It is clear that Caixa is still debugging the whole process and many of the changes already made were the result of ideas and opinions from industry leaders through Febralot and state unions in multiple meetings.

Another highlighted point is that the betting system does not privilege any entrepreneur and has a great concern to prevent clandestine betting sites from using it.

On the platform presented by Carrogi, each Lottery Unit will have its digital showcase with draws available just as it is done in the physical medium, however the entrepreneur can make part of the quotas available in the digital medium, but obligatorily keeping part in the physical channel for commercialization.

The bettor, in turn, will be offered several filters that will allow him to find exactly the product he is looking for. These filters can be defined by bet amount, bet numbers, number of odds, etc. Always showing the nearest physical Lottery Unit as a purchase option.

This is the future of betting around the world and companies that insisted on staying out ended up extinct. Examples were cited such as Kodak, which was a leader in photographic films and ended up leaving the market.

Around 800 lottery entrepreneurs were present at the event and, at the time of the debates, no criticisms were presented. What was seen the most was the number of doubts, mainly regarding the implementation, time and possibilities. The goal is to hold similar meetings in other states to gather more information from the extensive lottery network.

Caixa made it clear that as the project is still under construction, there will be adjustments and if everything goes according to plan, this year it should happen.

Source: GMB