MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:51hs.
Pipol offers an innovative solution

Bye-bye cookies, hello MIA®, the best way to nurture qualified user information

The fall of the third-party cookie, also known as Third Party Data, is redefining the digital advertising landscape and presenting a serious challenge to marketers and advertisers, who up to now nourished themselves with data from third parties to track users across the web.

The use of cookies is limited in terms of data security. Among its main functions is storing customer' browsing information to identify them, remember their preferences and offer them interesting content, as well as remembering access and credentials on websites.

In contrast, First Party Data offers more qualified data from users who have had some kind of contact with a company or brand through advertising campaigns, forms, tracking tools, social networks and surveys, among other marketing tools. Consequently, this type of information is more reliable, accurate and confidential.

In response to the challenges presented by such a scenario, Pipol has the solution. Thanks to MIA®, its flagship real-time investment attribution model, Pipol is able to enrich the First Party Data of any performance website and, at the same time, rewrite the source information of 100% of the users who visit a site or app, coming from offline and online paid media.

This information generated by MIA® optimizes Pipol's own customer CRM databases, achieving a truly comprehensive user profile. As a result, Pipol is able to understand the real value and revenue of an action when based on accurate data.


MIA® enables the enrichment of
Pipol's own CRM databases
and customers' CRM databases


In short, MIA® is able to measure every point of user interaction to attribute, enrich and generate reusable and accurate audiences for the business, without the need for the much-disputed cookies.

About Pipol

Founded in 2019, currently with a portfolio of more than 15 clients, Pipol is the only leading communications agency in Latin America in the gambling industry, based 100% on technology. At Pipol, we are able to make the best decisions about campaign performance in real time.

For more information, contact us at [email protected]