MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:35hs.
Proposal not heard

CBF cancels meetings with Finance Ministry for 'unproductive positions' on betting PM

The Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) decided to cancel all scheduled meetings with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the Provisional Measure (PM) for sports betting. The entity's decision, it informed, is because of the unproductive positions on the suggestions requested and presented.

However, the confederation made itself available to Minister Fernando Haddad to discuss the matter again at a time he considers opportune.

The confederation reported that it sent suggestions to Finance after meetings both at its headquarters, in Rio de Janeiro, and in Brasília. And highlighted two as the main ones. The first is the increase in the transfer of the net result of betting from 1.63% to 4%. The proposal is that 80% of this amount will remain with the clubs, and the other 20% with the CBF.

The entity justified that with its suggestion, "the participation of clubs, in certain scenarios, may increase to a value 20x greater than that provided for in current legislation". The other proposal was the creation of a mechanism to control and monitor the activities of the betting sector.

Without giving names, the CBF made a veiled criticism of the clubs that called themselves the “RJxSP axis” — the main eight of the two states, which released a public note criticizing the fact that they were not invited to debate the PM.

The confederation reported that it held a meeting on March 29 and presented to the clubs in the A and B series, as well as the state federations, the suggestions sent to the Finance Ministry, and that they were provisional. And that it undertook to deal with the matter again when it had some feedback from the federal government.

And it recalled that by virtue of its statute, the confederation is up to it, “exclusively, to direct and control football in Brazilian territory”. And it also stressed that “all the suggestions requested and presented to the Ministry of Finance were not to deal with the interests of certain clubs, but rather to meet the expectations of its entirety, made up of approximately 800 football clubs present throughout the country.”

Source: O Globo