MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:24hs.
Presence of Bruno Omori (IDT-CEMA)

Forum at Arnold Classic event addresses casino legalization to boost tourism

Organized by IDT-Cema, the 1st Forum “Tourism in synergy with sport and well-being”, which took place in parallel with the Arnold Classic fair, reinforced once again the importance of legalizing casinos as a driving factor in attracting tourists to Brazil. The president of the institute, Bruno Omori, a tireless defender of the activity in the country, mediated two debates at the congress.

The 1st Forum “Tourism in synergy with sport and well-being”, organized by IDT-CEMA, took place on April 14, at the Wellness Business Summit arena, with a massive presence of professionals and leaders from the hotel industry, theme parks, gastronomy, travel agencies travel, gyms, spas, health, architecture, sports and the public sector.

On the occasion, the organizing entity of the debate took advantage of the moment that Bill 442/91 is awaiting the definition of procedures in the Senate to offer the tourism community an overview of the positive impact that the approval of the Bill would have on boosting tourism in Brazil .

Bruno Omori, a profound connoisseur of the casino sector and tireless defender of the activity in Brazil, was responsible for mediating two forum panels. President of IDT-CEMA, Omori highlighted in his speeches the importance of the sector as a contributor to attracting tourists to the country.

In his presentations, he highlighted the fact that world tourism projections indicate that in 2023 it should reach 1.2 billion international tourists and US$ 1.5 trillion in exports. He highlighted the synergistic potential of integrating tourism with sport and wellness, mentioning events such as the FIFA World Cup, the Olympic Games and the Arnold Classic itself as successful cases of foreign exchange generation and impact in more than 52 segments in one destination.

Omori completed his presentation by talking about the potential for approval of gaming and casinos, which could provide the economy with an entry of US$ 70 billion in investments in Brazil, and the sectors will have a share in both concessions and taxes, with tourism having 12% and sports with 10% to invest in promotion, training and events, strengthening tourist destinations and increasing sports potential in Brazil.

The objective of the event was to create synergy between “tourism as a factor of economic development, and boosted by sport and wellness,” highlighted Omori, who ended the first edition of the forum by reinforcing that Brazil can no longer wait to discuss the legalization of games in the country to “offer a clean activity with a strong impact on the economy.”

Source: GMB