MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:15hs.
Amazonas government supports the partnership

Pixbet closes sponsorship with the bois-bumbás for the Parintins Festival

Pixbet signed a sponsorship contract for the 56th edition of the Parintins Folk Festival. The agreement will place the bookmaker alongside the two main boi-bumbás in Brazil, Caprichoso and Garantido. The agreement was signed at the Palácio Rio Negro Cultural Center and was attended by state government officials, who endorsed the partnership.

Bumba Meu Boi is an interactive play celebrated in Brazil, originated in the 18th century as a form of social criticism. Lower class Brazilians mock and criticize those of higher social status through a comedic Folklore story told in song and dance. Though not as well known internationally as Carnival and other Brazilian festivals, it is older and deeply rooted in the culture of Brazil.

For the second consecutive year, Pixbet renews its sponsorship of the Parintins Folk Festival, which takes place from June 30th to July 2nd and is expected to attract around 100,000 tourists from Parintins Island (369 kilometers from Manaus).

In the act of signing the contract were present the secretary of culture, Marcos Apolo Muniz; the president of Amazonastur, Gustavo Sampaio; the director-president of Maná Produções e Eventos, André Guimarães; the president of Boi Caprichoso, Jender Lobato; the president of Boi Garantido, Antônio Andrade; Pixbet's commercial director, Alexandre Marques; and TV director Marlene Mattos.

In Parintins, last year Pixbet started betting on the Amazon theme of the Parintins Festival, as well as the competition of items that make up the presentation of each boi-bumbá. Caprichoso and Garantido perform at the Bumbódromo arena, and dispute 21 judging items in accordance with the official regulations of the Festival.

For the secretary of Culture and Creative Economy, Marcos Apolo Muniz, the consolidation of the partnership is very important for Caprichoso and Garantido.

“Pixbet has already been supporting the festival in 2022 and will repeat the partnership in 2023, consolidating an important sponsorship, not only because we bring a new partner to carry out the festival, but also because of the possibility of raising a resource that will allow oxen deliver an even better show in the arena,” he said.

The president of Boi Garantido, Antônio Andrade, is excited to receive the sponsorship renewal. “It is an important moment for Garantido, when we receive this sponsorship, we understand the magnitude of our Festival, and we are certain that we are treading a successful path in this partnership.”

The president of Boi Caprichoso, Jender Lobato, spoke about the deal. “It is a great satisfaction to have Pixbet as a sponsor. We know when a brand like Pixbet joins Caprichoso it is synonymous with success, this sponsorship renewal is an important incentive for our Festival, for the cultural industry and the folklore of Amazon. I am sure it will be a long-lasting partnership.”

Enthusiastic, Pixbet's commercial director, Alexandre Pereira, explains the importance of the deal. “We are extremely motivated with the renewal of this partnership. The Parintins Folk Festival is a reference in Brazil and in the world, and the company could not be left out of such an important event. Far beyond sponsorships, we always seek to strengthen the positive connection between different audiences,” he commented.

For the director of Maná Produções e Eventos, André Guimarães, the sponsorship loyalty of the Parintins Festival solidifies the belief in popular culture. “The renewal of the sponsorship of the Festival de Parintins with the most important company in the segment of bookmakers in Brazil fills us with joy and satisfaction and confirms the national importance of the Festival, our Bois and the Amazonian Culture,” he stresses.

Source: A Crítica