MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:41hs.
GMB at SAGSE Latam 2023

“BetConnections already has several partnerships in Brazil, excellent deals will come soon”

During SAGSE Latam 2023 in Buenos Aires, GMB spoke exclusively with Carlos Bustamante, President of BetConnections Argentina. The executive said the company is planning a series of novelties, including a live casino studio, and that the prospects for the Brazilian market are the best: “To deny that Brazil is important is to deny the sector. We have a huge future in the country.”

GMB – How was SAGSE Latam 2023 for BetConnections?
Carlos Bustamante
– The fair was very interesting. We had good and new contacts, and also business. As every year, the possibilities for business increase more and more. We have growth plans, new products and ideas.

And what are these new products and ideas? We know that BetConnections was the first company, for example, to launch Exchange. And now, what lies ahead?
There will be many things related to live casino. It will be the first and only in Latin America produced entirely in our studios. In the same way, news will come in SpringGaming. We will have other interesting deals to be done in the casino area with new technology and good offers for the market.

How are the partnerships with operators in the region?
They are fine and running perfectly. We are introducing ourselves to the market in the best possible way. We are advancing a lot in this direction and better positioned. Licenses are quite different in each jurisdiction, with important requirements, and we are able to meet each of them.

You participated in BiS last year and are already preparing to participate in Brazil again. What is the outlook for the Brazilian market and why will you be attending this year's event?
To deny that the Brazilian market is important is to deny the sector. The Brazilian market is very important and we believe that we have a huge future in the country, which will give us conditions to grow a lot in Brazil. In the region, it will be the most important in Latin America.

Do you believe that regulation will arrive soon?
Will arrive. I believe in the wisdom of the government in this regard and it will be beneficial for everyone.

Is BetConnections more than ready for this new market?
We are very prepared and ready. As we say, “we have already done a lot of gymnastics to serve this market.”

Do you have many partnerships in Brazil?
Yes. There are many good partnerships. Our business unit is very attentive and the prospects are huge and fantastic!

Source: Exclusive GMB