MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:50hs.
500 subscribers and 25 speakers

BET Masters Pinnacle became a success when discussing sports betting from player's vision

A full day with 12 hours of intense activities marked the Northeast edition of BET Masters Pinnacle 2023, which took place in Recife. Organized by Danilo Pereira, CEO of Aposta de Valor and GMB columnist, the meeting brought together 500 subscribers – including influencers and bettors, recreational and professionals – to listen 25 speakers in ten panels on sports betting, mindset, bankroll management and other industry-related topics.

Last Saturday (22), the capital of Pernambuco hosted the Northeast edition of the BET Masters Pinnacle 2023. Throughout the day, topics related to sports betting were discussed, with emphasis on the performance of punters and traders, financial organization, bankroll management and other related matters.

BET Masters Pinnacle brought together 500 subscribers and featured 25 lectures on ten panels to address the current situation in the Brazilian sports betting market. For Danilo Pereira, CEO of Grupo Aposta de Valor and GMB columnist, “the event was a tremendous success. The demand was great, which indicates the current and preponderance of the sports betting segment and the interest that the activity arouses in the Northeast region.”



According to Danilo, in addition to lectures on how punters and traders work, the meeting dealt with financial organization, bankroll management, affiliation and numerous topics that have attracted the attention not only of professional bettors, but also of those who bet for recreation.

“The networking was incredible and had many influencers who, even though they did not present lectures, participated in the event and told about their experiences in sports betting. The agenda was intense and very productive during the two coffee breaks we took in which everyone interacted with these influencers,” said Danilo.

“As the Brazilian sports betting market is still awaiting regulation and without substantial information on the progress of the regulation process, we chose not to include the subject in the lectures, although those present exchanged many experiences during the coffee breaks on the topic,” explained the Aposta de Valor CEO.



According to him, it was very clear to those present the importance of working in the sports betting industry in order to contribute to the evolution of the activity in a sustainable way, both for the sector itself and for bettors, recreational or professionals.

A very illustrative lecture on the sports betting activity given by Christian Raykoff - Regional Manager LATAM - Pinnacle Sports, also contributed to the success of the meeting, in which the executive spoke about the company's plans for Brazil, how to be an affiliate, earnings and prizes without limitation for the bettor.

Source: GMB