MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:42hs.
Important presence of the gaming sector

Rio Grande do Sul Assembly establishes subcommittee to discuss sports betting regulation

With a trend of significant transformations for the sports betting market in Brazil, the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul established a subcommittee that will discuss the regulation of the sector. Along with the deputies from Rio Grande do Sul, Andre Gelfi (IBJR), Andrea Bardun (KTO) and Rodrigo Alves (ABAESP), among others, were present at the meeting.

Linked to the Economy, Sustainable Development and Tourism Commission, the working group will have deputy Marcus Vinícius de Almeida (PP), proponent of the coalition, as its rapporteur. According to the parliamentarian, the issue is much debated at the national level, but it is far from the reality of states and municipalities.

“With the regulation, a window of opportunity opens up for current and new companies in the niche to settle permanently in Brazil. If the state legislation does not accompany this process, if it does not update itself at the same time and speed, Rio Grande do Sul will not be prepared to be attractive and welcome the arrival of these investments. A less bureaucratic environment, with economic freedom and legal security is the way for us not to waste this chance,” he said.

At the installation ceremony, Marcus Vinícius reinforced that the purpose of the subcommittee's report is to provide subsidies with the gaucho perspective on the theme for the National Congress. For the deputy, the subcommittee aims to stimulate and foster entrepreneurship in the state and complements:

“It is also a mobilization so that the taxes arising from the sector do not remain with the Union alone. We know how Brasilia works in crisis situations. Every time a disruptive idea for the new economy comes up, this mechanism is used to raise more,” he said.

Vinícius assesses that the intention to raise between R$ 12 billion (US$ 2.4b) and R$ 15 billion (US$ 3b) with a new taxation system for bookmakers in the country.

Right after the installation act, a panel with experts on the subject of betting was held, with the presence of Leandro Pamplona, representative of the Special Commission on Sports, Lottery and Entertainment Law of the OAB/RJ; Andreas Bardun, CEO of the KTO Group; Andre Gelfi, president of the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming (IBJR); and Rodrigo Alves, president of the Brazilian Sports Betting Association (ABAESP).

Gelfi stressed that the discussion forum is unprecedented and extraordinary. “It is the beginning of something sorely needed. The regulation deals with security for the gambler, collection and will collaborate to control the manipulation of results in sport,” he assured. Gelfi pointed out that, currently, companies are outside Brazil, emphasizing that the country, so far and with non-regularization, loses job opportunities and income.

With the regimental duration of 120 days, the Subcommittee for the Regulation of Electronic Sports Betting, according to the proponent, will hear federal, state and municipal government authorities, clubs and institutions that operate gaming and betting in Brazil. At the end, a report will be sent to the Economy Commission of the Legislative House, to the Treasury Department and to other competent bodies.

Leader of the Progressives bench, Guilherme Pasin pointed out the need to assert a different vision of the State. “A vision in which the State shows itself with open arms to those who want to undertake and a vision of respect for the individual who decides his own path,” he said.



According to Pasin, the regulation must guarantee security to those who decide to undertake. “We need to dedicate our time to showing the State and Brazil that we can have innovative measures, a new economic market, respecting the citizen and giving legal security to those who undertake here,” he said.

Also present were federal deputy Any Ortiz (Cidadania-RS) and Porto Alegre councilor Comandante Nádia (PP).

Visit to ALRS President

After the installation ceremony, the representation of the gaming sector took the opportunity and made an institutional visit to the president of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (ALRS), Vilmar Zanchin.

At the meeting, they talked about technological development, regulation, dilemmas and the positive impacts on the Rio Grande do Sul economy.

Source: GMB