MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:44hs.
Eliane Nunes, Head of Marketing and Sales

“Salsa Technology will be one of the first platforms to operate in the regulated market in Brazil”

Salsa Technology, one of the main iGaming providers in Latin America, eas present at recent edition of SAGSE Latam in Buenos Aires. Eliane Nunes, Head of Marketing and Sales, told GMB that the company achieved recognition in the region thanks to the concept of location and being attentive to the needs of customers. For her, the Latin DNA and understanding the local culture “are our differentials” and that the firm “we will be one of the first to operate in the regulated market in Brazil.”

GMB – Salsa has been growing not only in Brazil, but throughout the Latin market. I would like you to talk about the current moment of the company.
Eliane Nunes –
Salsa has been preparing to be one of the first platforms to operate in the regulated market in Brazil. This is getting closer and closer and we have our technology ready, with several clients in Brazil and also in other regulated markets or in the process of being regulated in Latin America, in the 'face of the goal' to launch a ready operation for this regulated market. It is very satisfying that we set up the plans and they are coming true.

What is all this Salsa growth due to, especially in the last two years?
We always use our ‘location’ mantra. Our Latin DNA and speaking the language of Latin America and especially Portuguese, in addition to understanding the local culture, the nuances and the public, is what makes our great difference. For example, our aggregator has support in Brazil, with Brazilians speaking Portuguese, and that makes the difference and is directly linked to our growth and recognition in the market.

Salsa Gator already has a plethora of games. Talk a little more about this tool, so important in the iGaming market.
Exactly. Our aggregator already has more than 70 integrated providers and more than 5,000 games. And it's not just a matter of quantity, but quality and location, understanding what our client's clients want and what entertainment really means to them. We are ready to deliver this content. It is a challenge, but we leave that challenge to ourselves. And the operators focus on attracting customers, generating business in the operation and we are left with the 'tete a tete' with the providers taking the best content for those who want to play and have fun.

Of course you are a B2B company, but we know that Salsa is always attentive to the end user in order to deliver good products. How do you see the user of a gaming site that enjoys Salsa products?
I think the secret to maintaining this quality is the proximity we have with our customers. On a daily basis, we talk to each operator and through them and through data analysis, we know what type of game works for each market and this guides our strategy. It is something very dynamic and there is no ready formula. It is important to talk to our customers every day, understanding what is happening in the market and following what the media says, such as Games Magazine Brasil, for example. All this gives us the direction we need and we always have our radars on everything that is said and what trends are in order to respond to it in the right time.

And waiting for the regulations in Brazil to swim with a stroke!
For sure. We'll be there.

Source: Exclusive GMB