MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:42hs.
Public hearing scheduled for May 9th

Tocantins government opens consultation on State Lottery project

The Secretariat of Partnerships and Investments of Tocantins opened this Tuesday (25) a public consultation so that the population can evaluate and present contributions on the project that foresees the installation of the state lottery in the 139 municipalities of the State. It will be held for 30 days. On May 9th, a hearing will take place to listen those interested in the operation to improve the public notice to be released soon.

Employment generation, income, social development and revenue increase are some of the expected benefits from the public-private partnership proposal that aims to promote the regulation, implementation, operation and maintenance of the State's lottery services.

The public consultation is an opportunity for all of Tocantins society to get to know the project in depth, being able to clarify doubts and offer their contributions. Interested parties may participate by analyzing the documents and filling out the forms available at this link.

Public Hearing

With the aim of improving dialogue with all sectors interested in the project, both individuals and companies, a Public Hearing will also be held on May 9th, at 2:30 pm, in the auditorium of Palácio Araguaia, in Palmas.

The dialogue phase is one of the most important stages of the projects that make up the portfolio of the Partnerships and Investments Program (Tocantins-PPI), as it assists the government in improving the process necessary for carrying out the bidding process.

Next stage

At the end of the consultation and public hearing phase, the suggestions made by the population will be evaluated, responded to and adapted to the project. From there, the bidding stage will be carried out, where the company or consortium that will carry out the process of implementation, operation and maintenance of lottery services is defined.

About the project

The implementation of a State Lottery is focused on exploring the modalities foreseen in the Brazilian norm – drawing of numbers, instantaneous and sports bets, physical and online bets can be explored. The model studied for the implementation and operation of the Lottery in Tocantins is that of concession, where the State has a percentage of the gross operating revenue, allocating these resources to social projects.

Among the desirable positive impacts are: boosting the generation of employment and income in the 139 municipalities of Tocantins; enable investments that could not be borne by the state public administration; regulate and combat illegal betting respecting the premises of legal and responsible gambling; finance social projects.

Source: GMB