MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:56hs.
It was confirmed by the Finance Ministry

Government wants to recreate Lotex "raspadinha" under Caixa operation and raise US$ 600m

The Secretary for Economic Reforms at the Ministry of Finance, Marcos Barbosa Pinto, said that the Brazilian government wants to recreate Lotex, an instant lottery known as “raspadinha” (scratch card). He also said that the goal is to raise around R$ 3 billion (US$ 600m) per year with the initiative that should be included in the provisional measure (PM) on sports betting sites.

Barbosa Pinto informed that the recreation of Lotex should appear in the text of a provisional measure that is being prepared by the government to regulate the taxation of online sports betting.

The secretary commented that, in the previous government, there were two unsuccessful attempts to privatize Lotex. He said that, at least initially, if the "scratch card" is even resumed, Caixa Econômica Federal should be responsible for the operation.

"Lotex has not been exploited. Brazil has failed to collect important resources with this lottery," said Barbosa.

"We want to resume Lotex, for it to be operated again, at least temporarily, by Caixa Econômica Federal and, with that, for us to collect again. We expect to raise almost R$ 3 billion (US$ 600m) a year with the return of this modality," he completed.

The resumption of Lotex is part of a series of measures, in the process of elaboration by the government's economic area, with the aim of increasing revenue and meeting the goals of balancing public accounts established by the new fiscal framework.

The secretary stated that the government intends to establish a partnership with associations for the scratch card to be sold by people with disabilities.

"We also intend to provide a social service through Lotex. We intend to encourage Caixa and the lotteries to distribute scratch cards through people with disabilities," highlighted Barbosa.

Sports betting

Asked whether the taxation of sports betting would not face the same degree of resistance as the initiative linked to Chinese retailers, which led the government to withdraw from charging taxes on remittances between individuals, the secretary stated that the taxation of these bets is something much more consensus within Congress.

"The reality that we have today in Brazil is that the sports betting service has been provided to Brazilian society by companies outside the country without paying any tax," he highlighted.

According to the secretary, the country currently has all the negative effects of gambling, such as addiction, money laundering and interference in sports, without being able to regulate and tax the sector.

"What we want to do is tax to the extent that is reasonable, based on international standards, so that these service providers can operate in the country, pay taxes here and be regulated here," concludes Barbosa.

Source: G1