MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:56hs.
Next May 11th

GovRisk and Genius Sports announce 2nd Sports Integrity Summit to take place in Brasilia

On Thursday, 11th May The International Governance and Risk Institute (GovRisk) and lead partner Genius Sports will host Brazil’s 2nd Sports Integrity Summit in Brasilia. This summit follows the gathering of representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Special Sports Secretariat, Public Prosecutors Office and Federal Police in Brasilia in October 2019. At that summit, it was agreed that a Sports Integrity Association would be beneficial to the industry and ABRADIE has recently launched.

Since that inaugural event, public scrutiny on sports and betting in Brazil has intensified, with match-fixing reaching endemic levels and Brazilian football triggering the most integrity alerts of any sport in the world.

With the regulation of sports betting expected imminently by the Brazilian Ministry of Finance, the summit will debate the potential impacts of sports betting regulation in Brazil in terms of taxation, licensing requirements and ways to detect, prevent and investigate suspicious betting activity.  International experts from regulated markets such as the UK, Italy, USA and Australia will share their insights on best practices gained from legalisation and regulation in these mature markets.

The summit will leverage the most advanced technical solutions available and discuss the evolution of regulatory models to identify and map current criminal trends to help encourage collaboration between policymakers, regulators, and the full range of sports stakeholders to protect Brazilian sports from match-fixing.  

Lead partner Genius Sports will demonstrate how advances in big data monitoring technology, AI and specialist intelligence systems enable suspicious betting to be rapidly identified to help prevent, detect and investigate match-fixing, and bolster local and international law enforcement efforts.

Dominic Le Moignan, Executive Director at GovRisk, said: “This summit is both timely and enormously important, following both an increase in match fixing attempts in some Brazilian football leagues and other top sports, alongside ongoing efforts to regulate sports betting in Brazil. The summit is a unique opportunity for Brazil to draw lessons from the successes and mistakes of other earlier regulated markets and to design an ecosystem that both supports sports teams and players against criminal activity and protects the integrity of Brazilian sport now and for future generations.” 

Mark Locke, CEO of Genius Sports, said: “In legalised sports betting markets, effective regulation provides greater transparency, cooperation and information sharing - all vital pillars to protecting the integrity of sport. Although match-fixing attempts are currently prevalent across Brazil, regulators have a once in a lifetime opportunity to create a leading regulatory framework that tackles this issue head on. We look forward to working alongside other key stakeholders and sharing our extensive experience in sports integrity, data and regulation to protect and enhance the future of Brazilian sport.”

Event Information:
Thursday, 11 May 2023 8:15 AM - 5:30 PM EDT

Auditorium Minister Mozart Victor Russomano, SUPERIOR LABOR TRIBUNAL, Brasilia, BRASÍLIA DF, 70070-600, Brazil.



Attendance is free of charge. However, please note that the Summit Steering Committee has discretion over allocating tickets, as places are limited by the size of the auditorium. A ticket request does not confirm attendance.

To view the full agenda and register click here:

The International Governance and Risk Institute (GovRisk) is an independent UK organisation that works solely on projects relating to integrity, with expertise in anti-corruption, risk, justice reform, and governance. GovRisk has an extensive portfolio of past and ongoing projects across the world,  including several projects with the  Government of Brazil. GovRisk conducts many projects for the UK Foreign  Commonwealth and Development Office and a range of  other donors, and has worked in over 60 countries on strategic projects related to upholding integrity.

Genius Sports is the official data, technology and broadcast partner that powers the global ecosystem connecting sports, betting and media. Their technology is used in over 150 countries worldwide, creating highly immersive products that enrich fan experiences for the entire sports industry.

They are the trusted partner to over 400 sports organisations, including many of the world’s largest leagues and federations such as the NFL, EPL, FIBA, NCAA, NASCAR, AFA and Liga MX.

Genius Sports is uniquely positioned through cutting-edge technology, scale and global reach to support its partners. Their innovative use of big data, computer vision, machine learning, and augmented reality, connects the entire sports ecosystem from the rights holder all the way through to the fan.

Source: GMB