MIÉ 12 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 19:00hs.
31% of the LatAm region

IBIA Integrity Report: Brazil was the main source of suspicious alerts during 2018-22

The International Betting Integrity Association’s (IBIA) latest quarterly Integrity Report reported 40 incidents of suspicious betting activity identified by its members, who represent nearly 50% of all commercial online betting globally and over US$137 billion in sports betting turnover. IBIA’s Q1 report also highlights the importance of establishing effective integrity solutions across Latin America, particularly in Brazil, the main source of alerts (31%), followed by the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

IBIA Q1 2023 Integrity Report highlights the importance of establishing effective integrity solutions across Latin America, particularly in Brazil, and the significant role that IBIA's regulated operators play in identifying and deterring potential manipulation.

- 105 suspicious alerts were reported across the LatAm region during 2018-22
- Brazil was the main source of alerts (31%)
- 33 suspicious alerts were raise by IBIA members in Brazil during this five-year period
- Football accounted for 63% of alerts in Brazil, followed by tennis (21%).

The Q1 Integrity Report also contains a targeted analysis of alerts in the Latin American market, with 105 suspicious alerts across the region during 2018-22. Brazil was the main source of alerts (31%), followed by the Dominican Republic and Mexico (10%), and Argentina and Peru (9%). Unsurprisingly, considering its importance in Brazil, football accounted for 63% of alerts, followed by tennis (21%). In total, there were 33 suspicious alerts raise by IBIA members in Brazil during this five-year period. 



According to H2 Gambling Capital, the leading independent authority on global gambling market data,  the Brazilian sports betting market grew by 44.4% from 2021 to 2022 reaching BRL4,506m (US$940m)  in gross gambling revenue (GGR), and is projected to reach BRL9,265m (US$1,860m) in GGR by 2027 (a 105% increase).

Khalid Ali, IBIA CEO, highlighted: “A well-regulated sports betting market is essential to the fight against sports betting related match-fixing. All relevant stakeholders – betting operators, policymakers, regulators, and sports – have an important role to play to ensure that Brazil enjoys the full benefits of a dynamic and competitive regulated sports betting market, whilst reducing the risks of match-fixing.”

IBIA will be providing integrity services for its members licensed in Brazil and is open to membership applications from other operators seeking to be active in that market, as well as other markets. Please contact IBIA if you wish to discuss membership.



IBIA Q1 2023 Integrity Report: 40 incidents of suspicious betting activity

In Q1 2023 IBIA reported 40 incidents of suspicious betting activity identified by its members, who represent over US$137 billion in sports betting turnover, concerned nine sports across 22 countries and five continents. Other key data for Q1 2023:

*Football had the highest number of reported alerts globally. The 15 football alerts represent 38% of all alerts in Q1.

*The 12 tennis alerts reported in Q1 2023 represent a more than 50% decrease when compared to the average quarterly figure in 2022.

*Spain is the country with the highest number of Q1 alerts. The 8 alerts on sporting events in Spain equals the total number of alerts on Spanish events for the whole of 2022.

IBIA’s monitoring and alert network provides the most comprehensive, robust and detailed intelligence on suspicious betting activity globally. It utilizes detailed customer-account data that is only available to IBIA and its members and covers nearly 50% of all regulated commercial online betting. By harnessing those collective resources, we are able deploy a protective shield around IBIA operators, resulting in fewer attempts to corrupt our members compared to non-members.”, said Khalid Ali.

The International Betting Integrity Association is one of the leading global voices on integrity for the licensed betting industry. Our members share a common goal of combating betting corruption to protect the integrity of sport and their businesses. Established in 2005 and formerly known as ESSA, we are a not for profit association whose members include many of the world’s largest regulated betting operators, active across six continents. Members undergo a rigorous due diligence process and must adhere to our code of conduct committing them to responsible betting practices.

The International Betting Integrity Association’s Monitoring & Alert Platform is a highly effective anti-corruption tool that detects and reports suspicious activity on its members’ betting markets. The bespoke system tracks transactional activity linked to individual consumer accounts, clearly distinguishing it from commercial monitoring systems focused on simple odds movements.

The association has longstanding information sharing partnerships with leading sports bodies including FIFA, UEFA, the TIU and the IOC and many gambling regulators to utilise this data and prosecute corruption. The association maintains a policy of transparency and publishes quarterly integrity reports analysing activity reported on the Platform.

Source: GMB