MIÉ 15 DE ENERO DE 2025 - 13:07hs.
Government of Paraná state

With regulation, Lottopar's sports betting system takes another step forward

The Government of Paraná, in Brazil, regulated fixed-odds bets of the Paraná State Lottery (Lottopar). Decree 2,434/2023 is another step towards the implementation of the public lottery service in the State, which will be coordinated by the autarchy created in 2021.

According to the document, Lottopar is responsible for accrediting, homologating, supervising and inspecting the companies that will explore the betting modality in the State. In addition, the entity, linked to the Secretariat for Administration and Social Security, may also apply sanctions and penalties to companies that do not follow the legal rules.

Fixed odds betting on sporting events is a type of bet where the bettor tries to predict the outcome of a specific event. The Paraná decree establishes that punters know, at the time of the bet, what the odds are for the game, that is, how much they can win with the bet.

Registered companies will be responsible for providing all the information necessary to understand the game system, require filling out a reliable registration, comply with the General Data Protection Law, prohibit the transfer of balance between bettors to avoid currency evasion, among several other obligations described in the decree.

In accredited bets, companies must undertake to pay the prizes to the players and collect the amounts that must be transferred to Lottopar in connection with this exploitation. There are 5% of social contributions and this 1% on the operator's gross revenue for the previous month, a total of 6% of the operators' gross profit. The resources will enable the State's social actions, mainly in housing and public safety, according to the law that created the program.

The public notice for the accreditation of lottery operators to explore sports betting is open – whoever does not register will be operating in Paraná illegally. Operators must be fully connected to the management platform and means of payment established by Lottopar, which will guarantee security and transparency in the process.

According to the announcement, participation is allowed from companies and consortia that meet the established minimum technical requirements. The document also requires companies to have paid-up capital or shareholders' equity equal to or greater than R$2 million (US$ 415,000), which inhibits "adventurers", and invest an initial fixed grant of R$5 million (US$ 1.03m) for exploration over five years, reverted to the State government.

In practice, what the State of Paraná is achieving with this modality is the official registration of companies in the segment for operation with better established rules and the possibility that the resources arising from this activity are invested in public policies.


In addition, with the aim of curbing any illegal practice, the decree provides for a series of measures that prohibit, for example, betting by people linked to lottery operation companies, servers and people with access to fixed betting systems, athletes, sports leaders, referees, sports entrepreneurs or those responsible for sports competitions.

Lottopar will also establish partnerships with sports entities to make athletes and sports officials aware of the importance of staying away from games. Reporting channels, information materials and advertising campaigns will be created to guide the population about the rules. Among the assumptions are that betting should not be seen as a source of income.

"In addition, we are going to require lottery operators, together with Lottopar, to promote informative and preventive actions to curb irregularities and disseminate good gaming practices. Companies will also have to provide data on players with suspicious and fraudulent attitudes," details the president of Lottopar, Daniel Romanowski.


In 2020, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) ruled that the Union's exclusivity under the public service of lotteries was unconstitutional, and Paraná started the movement to create the state public service of lotteries.

The following year, Law 20.945/21 officially created the Paraná State Lottery. According to the legislation, part of the funds collected from the bets will be used to maintain social programs and the development of actions and services related to public safety, popular housing and the promotion of the rights of the elderly, with funds also reverted to the Paraná Tax Recovery and Stabilization Fund – FUNREP.

In Paraná, there will be some modalities. In addition to the fixed-quota bet, there will be a more traditional lottery operation, with the other modalities provided for by law. Numerical prediction (hit the numbers bet), specific prediction (similar to the Time Mania model), instant bets (scratch card) and passive bets (in which the bettor buys a ticket already numbered).

Source: GMB