JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:33hs.
Control F5 partner brand

Eduardo Costa becomes new ambassador of Blend 365

Eduardo Costa was chosen as a partner of Blend 365. With a solid career marked by determination, the singer brings with him an entrepreneurial DNA and simple communication that conquers the hearts of Brazilian public. For all these reasons, the sports betting and gaming website Blend 365 saw him as the perfect personality to expand its presence and operations in Brazil.

The CEO of the betting site said that choosing Eduardo Costa as a partner at Blend 365 involved a meticulous and careful process. “We took into account his vast professional experience of 29 years, his history of drive and determination, in addition to his DNA of leadership and entrepreneurship.

We believe that his simple and humble communication, which resonates with the Brazilian public, makes him an ideal personality to represent our brand. After analyzing his trajectory and the values he embodies, we concluded that he perfectly aligns with the essence of Blend 365, and choosing him was the right decision to strengthen our ties with the public.

The singer has a huge legion of fans and is very charismatic and, therefore, the CEO says he believes in “his power to pass messages and Eduardo Costa's impressive fan base, which will be key factors in attracting more people to the world. of Blend 365 sports betting.”

In addition, Blend 365 plans to offer exclusive opportunities to fans, such as special prizes provided by Eduardo Costa himself, which will certainly boost user interest and participation in the bookmaker's activities.

With the presence of Eduardo Costa as a Blend 365 influencer, our main objective is to reach the mark of 3 million active registrations on our website. We believe that his influence on the public in all parts of Brazil will significantly leverage the growth in the number of users who register and participate in sports betting on our platform,” said Blend 365 CEO.

Blend 365 is a solid company, supported by a potential investment fund. To consolidate Blend 365's expansion plans, the site also has a strategic partnership with Control F5, a company recognized in Brazil that offers various services to betting operators.

Blend 365 prepares many other news to the public that will be revealed in the near future.

Source: GMB