JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:26hs.
Growth opportunity

Public hearing in Deputies Chamber discusses regulation of lottery intermediation in Brazil

A new public hearing took place in Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies in order to discuss digital alternatives for intermediation of games and betting, which included the participation of Alessandro Dessimoni, Legal Director of the Association of Digital Intermediators of Lottery Games (AIDIGLOT) and Professor Sydnei Marssal de Oliveira , responsible for the study “Impact of Regulation on Lottery Couriers”, by FGV Projetos.

The purpose of the meeting was to intensify the dissemination and shed light on the discussion around the digital modernization of lotteries and show the positive impact of regulating this practice on tax collection in Brazil, which can reach up to 24 times more than what is done today, as well as job creation and general benefits to the Union.

On the occasion, Dessimoni highlighted the function of intermediation platforms and how these companies already contribute to the system, leading more people to play with the convenience of not having to be physically in an establishment and with more security. “It is a great turnout. In the last five years, around R$ 223 million (US$ 45.5m) were collected from taxes to the Federal Government by just one member, for example,” he said.

He commented that Brazil has an underused potential in lottery collection, showing that in the country the average per capita bet is US$ 10, while in the United States it is US$ 104 and in Portugal it reaches US$ 197.

“Here in Brazil, we have the same number of physical points of sale as in the state of Florida (USA), for example. A way to increase capillarity can be the expansion of online intermediation channels and not necessarily expanding the number of physical points,” emphasizes the director.

By regulating the activity of digital intermediaries, a space is created for increasing the representation of lottery collections in the national GDP. Like other disruptive companies, which intermediate activities to expand the reach of products and services, lottery intermediaries can also help in economic and social development, bringing comfort and security to players, job creation and new market opportunities.

AIDIGLOT was created with the aim of unifying the voice of companies in the segment in the fight for improvements in the sector and in defense of consumer rights. The Association's proposal is to regulate lottery intermediation, which involves several direct or indirect jobs, and impacts the lives of thousands of families involved throughout the service provision chain.

Members occasionally meet to discuss advances and challenges ahead, with the aim of taking the discussion to the Public Power and consolidating the practice in a responsible manner.

The Association of Lottery Games Digital Intermediaries was created to unify the voice of companies in this segment in the search for improvements in the sector and in the defense of consumer interests. Those interested in joining the association can send an email to [email protected].

Source: GMB