JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:20hs.
TV Senado interview

Senator Kajuru confirms he’ll preside over the betting PM commission, text will have changes

In an interview with the ‘Argumento’ show on TV Senado, Jorge Kajuru confirmed that he will be the rapporteur of the Mixed Commission that will analyze the Provisional Measure (PM) that regulates sports betting in Brazil. He reinforced that he supports the regulation and that the PM will be improved.

“I would like to make it clear that we are not against sportsbooks. On the contrary, we want legality and that they pay taxes,” he commented in the interview with the ‘Argumento’ show, on TV Senado.

According to the senator, he was approached by several businessmen who told him that the sector wants to pay tax, but complained about the high value of the grant and disproportionate for many of the bookmakers.

“I spoke with Minister Fernando Haddad and he was wise to say that he will evaluate my suggestion that the license should have a value proportional to the size of the house,” said Kajuru.

According to the senator, the houses that cannot afford to pay will become illegal. “This happened in Portugal. The minister listened to me on several points and we do not intend to deal only with the issue of taxes, but also with that wasp nest that is the manipulation of results,” he said.

For Kajuru, “the text is fine, but some things will be added. I have already received signals from some senators who will present suggestions. As president of the Mixed Commission that will analyze the PM, I want to hold public hearings and listen to bookmakers. We will be absolutely fair,” pledged the senator.

Match-fixing is one of the issues that most concerns Kajuru, and this will be dealt with by the Senate Sports Commission, as well as by the Mixed Commission that will analyze the PM on betting.

He again criticized a senator's proposal to ban advertising for bookmakers. "I do not agree. Television stations are not to blame. They live off advertising and cannot be banned from running ads. I also disagree with the removal of advertising from the football team's shirt, as it will harm the clubs,” he analyzed.

Regarding the fight against addiction, Kajuru stated that “we will discuss the advertising schedule, as it has already happened with beer.”

He stated that he wants to discuss the allocation of funds represented by the 18% rate on the GGR, although he did not give further details on how he will distribute the percentages.

“Now, we will define the names that will compose the members of the Mixed Commission and probably next week we will have the first meeting. In September we will have the position of the Chamber regarding the Provisional Measure and it will be forwarded to the Commission for the Constitution of Justice and, later, to the Plenary,” he explained.

Source: GMB