JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:08hs.
The brand to be displayed in the substitutions

Esportes da Sorte renews sponsorship for Paulistão 2024

Esportes da Sorte, through LiveMode, FPF's exclusive agency, renewed a sponsorship agreement with the entity for Paulistão 2024 and will be entitled to exclusive properties, from arena deliveries to games broadcast. With innovations, the bookmaker will have access to the substitutes property, a single platform for brand display in all broadcasts in the Championship rights holders.

A large part of the deliveries was only possible because the Paulista Football Federation and LiveMode control the production of the games and all the arena properties, in an integrated way, following the main international competitions. Esportes da Sorte already had the experience of sponsoring Paulistão last season and made the decision to renew the partnership for 2024.

“We are excited to continue our journey with Esportes da Sorte as our sponsor for Paulistão 2024. Our partnership has been marked by exceptional results and joint innovation. The inclusion of the substitution super-property will open up new horizons in how sponsors can engage with our passionate audience," evaluates Bernardo Itri, executive vice-president of marketing at the São Paulo Football Federation.

Ícaro Quintero, Chief Operating Officer of Esportes da Sorte, also shared his perspectives: “Paulistão is the main football championship in Brazil from January to April and a unique showcase for our brand and its values.”

“We are happy to sign this partnership for the second consecutive year; we have closely followed the growth of the Paulista Championship, its assertion as the main state tournament in Brazil and we want to be together as partners in this process.”

The agreement between Paulistão and Esportes da Sorte promises not only to strengthen the ties between the brand and the sport, but also to elevate the fans' experience to new levels of engagement and interaction.

Source: GMB