JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:34hs.
Deadline of 120 days for delivery of studies

Nine companies authorized to present projects for Rio Grande do Sul Lottery

The State Government, through the Secretariat for Partnerships and Concessions, published this Tuesday (15th), in the Official Gazette, the result of the expression of interest procedure to start the creation of a state lottery. Authorized companies have a period of 120 days to present the studies. NGT, Intralot do Brasil, Saga, Hebara and Brasil Fernandes Advogados, among others, were approved at this stage.

The project aims to implement and operate lottery services in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, covering possible models of delegation to the private sector.

Among the projected results are:

  • new free resources in the State Treasury to finance social security and other relevant social areas;
  • regulation and fight against illegal betting;
  • funds arising from a possible onerous grant;
  • generation of new jobs;
  • dynamization of the economy; and
  • contribution to the emergence of new businesses related to the provision of lottery services.


The collection potential of the lottery market and its role as a funder of social policies is envisioned, which makes it necessary to discuss lottery modalities, regulatory and legal aspects that promote relevant social and economic benefits, in addition to mitigating risks inherent in the current movement of lotteries and games.

However, it is necessary to create operational conditions in order to be able to explore lottery sales in the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

To this end, the Secretariat for Partnerships and Concessions published the PMI for the purpose of receiving studies of possible models of delegation to the private sector, which do not imply any contribution or expenditure of resources by the state.

Therefore, studies are needed to support the future concession of lottery services, so that the Public Administration has the necessary and sufficient elements to form a judgment of convenience and opportunity in making a decision on the best model to be implemented.

The following companies were authorized:

  • NGT Brasil Tecnologia e Atividades Lotéricas e Ricardo de Paula Feijó
  • Intralot do Brasil Comércio de Equipamentos e Programas de Computador Ltda
  • Hebara Distribuidora de Produtos Lotéricos S/A
  • Guimarães e Vieira e Mello Advogados e Saga Consultoria e Representações Comerciais e Empresariais S/A
  • Estrela Instantânea Loteria SPE S/A
  • Consórcio Shimata & Kikuchi GBSA
  • Competência Distribuidora e Operadora de Títulos Ltda
  • Brasil Fernandes Advogados Associados e Cordeiro Lima Sociedade de Advogados
  • AM&FPA Comércio de Equipamentos e Programas de Computador Ltda

Source: GMB