JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:06hs.
Computer Vision hits the market

Pipol leads brand exposure at sports events with AI

iGaming sponsors allocate more than 50% of their annual advertising budget to sports events, without accurately measuring and attributing such investment. Thus Pipol, leading communications agency specialized in AdTech in Latin America, introduces Computer Vision, innovative tool, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), that detects moving images, seamlessly integrated into the MIA®' ecosystem.

Pipol leads brand exposure at sports events with AI

Franco Tanaro (Data Scientist) and Adrián Mazza (Product Owner), developers of Computer Vision

Franco Tanaro (Data Scientist) and Adrián Mazza (Product Owner), developers of Computer Vision

Nowadays, iGaming sponsors allocate more than 50% of their annual advertising budget to sports events, without accurately measuring and attributing such investment. In the dark, sponsors throw millions of dollars down the drain without being able to maximize their ROI.

However, Pipol stepped forward with the best solution: Computer Vision. This innovative tool, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), detects moving images, seamlessly integrated into the MIA®' ecosystem—the sole platform that enables the accurate real-time attribution of communication campaigns.

After identifying in seconds elements such as branding on a team's sportswear in live events, Computer Vision can accurately assess the true brand exposure and, consequently, its impact on business results.

According to a study led by Spherical Insights, Computer Vision foresees reaching a market value of USD 21.3 MM in 2030, with a growth rate of 6.9% per year. Undoubtedly, its future is promising.

In the meantime, Pipol is ready to accompany iGaming companies interested in investing in sporting events, with the best technology and its expertise for more than 20 years in the region.

About Pipol

Pipol, a leading agency in the iGaming industry in Latin America with more than 20 years of experience in the market, uses Computer Vision, connecting communication with data and technology, based on a cutting-edge work model, 100% focused on results.

For more information, contact Pipol: [email protected]

Source: GMB