JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:37hs.
First contacts in Colombia, Argentina and Curaçao

Lottopar seeks international cooperation to block illegal operators in Paraná

Loteria do Paraná is looking for ways to block the operation of sports betting companies that operate from abroad and that are not accredited in the Brazilian state of Paraná. As the municipality should soon start its activities in the segment, it wants to ensure that the business generates taxes and jobs locally.

The lottery modality of fixed-quota bets has been legalized in Brazil since 2018 and is awaiting regulation, while some states have already made progress in this direction and Paraná is one of them. The regulation in the state recently approved and the accreditation process is about to be completed.

By regulating the sector in the state, Lottopar hopes to generate revenue to invest more resources in social areas and generate jobs locally.

In Lottopar's understanding, after accreditation of lottery operators that is in the final stage, companies that do not sign a contract with Lottopar will act illegally. Therefore, this international cooperation that the company has been seeking is of paramount importance to prevent non-accredited operators from operating in the State.

In this sense, considering the proximity of the start of operations, Lottopar officiated the lottery authorities of Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay and Curaçao to make a first contact, in order to block the sites that offer lottery services in the State, but that are not accredited for this.

For the president of Lottopar, this contact with lotteries in other countries is essential, “not only with a view to strengthening ties, exchanging experiences and good practices, but to creating a cooperation network that brings more security and transparency to companies and users of lottery games and, above all, avoid tax and foreign exchange evasion, causing these resources to be reinvested in social projects of the Government of Paraná,” highlighted Daniel Romanowski.

Although still new to the market, Lottopar is a member of the Ibero-American Corporation of Lotteries and Gambling (CIBELAE) , an association that helps the Autarchy to strengthen ties with other state lotteries in 80 countries on 6 continents, in order to share knowledge and experiences in areas such as gambling responsibility, prevention of money laundering and social responsibility.

Source: GMB