JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 12:56hs.
The proposal was not well received

Bill to prevent influencers from mentioning sport betting does not have popular support

Federal deputy Ricardo Ayres (Republicanos/TO) presented a PL to prohibit digital influencers and artists from mentioning games and sports betting on their social networks. What the parliamentarian did not imagine is that the Chamber would create a poll to find out public opinion. Until the publication of this article, 91 people totally disagreed with the proposal, while only nine (9) support it.

Federal deputy Ricardo Ayres (Republicanos/TO) presented a Bill to prohibit digital influencers and artists from mentioning games and sports betting on their social networks. What the parliamentarian did not imagine is that the Chamber would create a poll on the support for the unfortunate proposal. Until the closing of this edition, only nine people agreed, against 91 who don’t support the project.

Deputy Ricardo Ayres intends to prohibit the disclosure, promotion or endorsement of betting companies, casinos in general, gambling or any activities related to betting, by digital influencers and artists.

It also determines that social networks and other online platforms must cooperate with the authorities in the inspection and removal of content related to the promotion or endorsement of betting companies or any activities related to the sector.

The proposed censorship of influencers and artists is the result of Bill 3.915/2023, presented by the deputy this Tuesday (15th) to the board of directors. The project awaits dispatch from the mayor, Arthur Lira.

What the deputy did not imagine was the negative repercussions of his project. On social media, criticism of the Bill has already begun and even a survey on the Chamber of Deputies website shows that the unfortunate proposal does not have popular support.

Until the publication of this article, a total of 100 people had voted, with only 9 (nine) "fully agree" with Bill 3.915/2023, while the overwhelming majority (93%) "totally disagree" with the proposal.

On social networks, demonstrations against the proposal have already begun, not only by influencers and artists, but also by opinion makers in society.

By proposing censorship, the deputy leaves the question: if someone posts a comment about visiting a casino while traveling to a country where gambling is legal, has he committed a crime? And if a bettor says he won a certain amount of money (however small) by risking his guess in a Brasileirão game, will he be incriminated?

On social networks, we see artists posting photos in Las Vegas casinos almost daily and many colleagues of the deputy have already been clicked in the same places. Will these posts be considered as an affront to the law?

Many of the amendments presented to Provisional Measure (PM) 1.182/2023, which regulates sports betting in Brazil, are similar in nature to the project, demonstrating total ignorance of numerous parliamentarians to society's right of expression.

Source: GMB