JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 12:53hs.
Super awarded series

Sorte Online innovates to guarantee a winning bet on Lotofácil da Independência

Bets have already started for one of the most popular lottery games among Brazilians: Lotofácil da Independência. Special contest number 2,900 will be drawn on September 9th and has an estimated prize of R$ 200 million (US$ 40m). With the aim of doubling the number of sales compared to 2022, Sorte Online, a lottery intermediation company, promotes an innovative action that guarantees the platform the winning bet for the main prize.

“Every lottery has a finite universe of combinations (which are the probabilities) and Lotofácil da Independência is, among the special lotteries, the modality with the fewest possible combinations. So, we created 3,268,760 game possibilities and divided them randomly into 500 groups so that everyone has the same chance of winning,” explains the CEO of Sorte Online, Marcio Malta.

According to the executive, the action will be divided into groups, and each of them will consist of approximately 6,500 single bets, that is, there will be 800 odds per group. The value of each share is R$ 45 (US$ 9).

“We will only have one bet contemplated with the 15 hits among the more than 500 registered groups. So, the more groups the bettor participates in, the greater the chances for him/her of winning the main prize,” explains Malta.


  • 1 group- 1 chance in 500
  • 10 groups - 1 chance in 50
  • 50 groups - 1 chance in 10
  • 100 groups - 1 chance in 5

In addition to the main prize, Sorte Online also guarantees bets covered with thousands of prizes in the secondary categories:

  • Prizes with 14 hits: 150
  • Prizes with 13 hits: 4,725
  • Prizes with 12 hits: 54,600
  • Prizes with 11 hits: 286,650

The unprecedented action by Sorte Online of guaranteeing the winning bet to players on the platform is a commercial initiative for the company to increase sales volume in relation to the Lotofácil da Independência 2022.

“Last year we had many bettors, and for 2023 the idea is to grow even more. The strategy unites our data intelligence and technology, with the experience and expertise of an online platform, to design an attractive experience for our customers, expanding the possibilities for awards,” explains Malta.

To bet with Sorte Online, players just need to access https://www.sorteonline.com.br.

Founded in 2003, the platform stands out in the online lottery intermediation market, having already distributed more than R$ 216 million (US$ 43.5m) in prizes to players across Brazil. With great pioneering spirit and extensive investments in technology, Sorte Online offers a complete platform, with digital solutions that allow greater ease and security so that players can play in the desired lottery and still have access to the quotas of elaborate syndicates.

Its great market differential is the use of data science and statistics applied to the platform, which exponentially increases the chances of winning. In its online channel, it is also possible to access tips, news, statistics, odds and lottery results in real time.

Sol Serviços de Intermediação S.A. (Sorte Online) is not an official lottery agent, nor is it affiliated with Caixa Econômica Federal. Sorte Online acts as a provider of intermediation services for, at the request and on behalf of the customer, pursuant to art. 653 of the Civil Code, place bets at the official Caixa Econômica Federal lottery outlets.

Source: GMB