JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:21hs.
Transfer to Manchester City on hold

Paquetá is investigated for fraud in sports betting and withdrawn from Brazilian national team

Midfielder Lucas Paquetá, from West Ham and the Brazilian national team, is being investigated by the Football Association of England (FA) for suspected involvement with betting, according to the English press. In view of the complaint, the interim coach of Brazil removed him from the first squad announced this Friday (18th) afternoon. Transfer talks to Manchester City have been suspended and the reason is said to be 'confidential matters'.

The interim coach of the Brazilian national team, Fernando Diniz, hastily removed Lucas Paquetá from his first call-up, made earlier this Friday (18th) afternoon. “Paquetá was on the list. He is a player that I really like. It's a question of preservation, letting him resolve these issues, which go beyond the game," said the coach.

According to Diniz, "the CBF will be open to receive him as soon as he positively resolves these questions we had at the last minute." Diniz confirmed that the decision to remove him from the list was his and that there was no interference from the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF).

“I spoke with President Ednaldo [Rodrigues]. We agreed not to make any judgments. We are preserving Paquetá so that it can be resolved as smoothly as possible. I don't talk about it anymore."

Ednaldo Rodrigues endorsed the decision of the coach of the Brazilian national team: "The CBF does not make a pre-judgment and hopes this is just a misunderstanding," he said, making it clear that he does not interfere in the coach's choices.

Transfer to Manchester City

Sources even reported that negotiations with Manchester City did not go forward due to “confidential issues”. However, according to the English press, the real reason is the FA's complaint of a gambling-related violation. Broadcaster Sky Sports adds that the investigation is also being conducted by FIFA.

The details of the complaint have not yet been revealed, but according to Sky Sports, it is believed to involve games held in Brazil. To the broadcaster, Paquetá denied that he had made the bets.

According to the Daily Mail, the West Ham board is waiting to know if the Brazilian will be indicted by the authorities.

Source: GMB