JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:06hs.
Public call

Companies wishing to operate Loteria Cuiabana can register until October 9th

The deadline for accreditation of specialized companies that wish to participate in the public call for the operation of Loteria Cuiabana (Lotec) is already open. Interested parties should present themselves at City Hall by October 9th.

The public call is coordinated by the Municipal Treasury Department, in partnership with the Special Deputy Department for Tenders and Contracts (Selc). The model chosen takes into account the possibility of multiple accredited lottery agents, allowing speed, in addition to greater efficiency and security in Lotec's operation.

According to the partial result published in the Municipal Gazette this Tuesday (1st), Teclot Tecnologia Lotérica, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, was the first company to show interest and had its accreditation deferred.

However, the Assistant Secretary for Tenders and Contracts, Agmar Divino Lara Siqueira, points out that there is no limit to the number of companies that can participate in the procedure.

“For now, one has been accredited and, therefore, it is only a partial result. To the extent that other companies are interested, we will analyze the documentation, defer it, and the Treasury Department will approve it. There is no limit on the number of accredited companies, as long as the companies meet all the requirements of the public notice,” explains Agmar.

At the end of the accreditation period, all companies analyzed and considered suitable will sign a standard contract, with the same operating conditions and valid for five years. One of the established obligations, for example, is the installation of at least 300 terminals or lottery kiosks.

“The equipment must be internationally certified by firms that have experience in the field. Added to this, companies must have documentation that proves regularity and that they are legally constituted for this purpose. All of this is verified by a commission from the Treasury Department,” comments the deputy secretary.

The Cuiabana Lottery (Lotec) was created through Law nº 6,872, approved by the City Council and sanctioned by Mayor Emanuel Pinheiro. The legislation was implemented based on Federal Law No. 13,756/2018 and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which defined that, in addition to the Union, States and Municipalities can also explore lottery modalities.

Accredited companies will be able to sell instant and prediction lottery tickets through at least 300 lottery terminals or kiosks.

“These companies will be fully responsible for installing and keeping this equipment active, in addition to selling the tickets. Once the contract is signed, they will define how they will serve the entire city and coordinate the entire lottery operation. In other words, they are the ones who will decide who will work in a certain neighborhood or region,” concludes Agmar.

Source: GMB