JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:36hs.
Representative of Bahia state

Senator Angelo Coronel presents amendments to PM to release casinos, bingos and jogo do bicho

The deadline for submitting amendments to the provisional measure (PM) 1,182/2023, which regulates sports betting in Brazil, has ended. In all, there were 239, including two by Senator Angelo Coronel, a tireless defender of the legalization of gambling in the country. With his proposals, he intends to release the operation of casinos, bingos and jogo do bicho.

Senator Angelo Coronel presented nine amendments to Provisional Measure 1.182/2023, which regulates sports betting in Brazil. Among them, two propose the release of bingos, casinos, and jogo do bicho, gaming verticals always defended by the parliamentarian.

In Amendment 223/2023, the senator proposes the repeal of art. 50 of Decree Law 3688 of 1941 (Criminal Misdemeanors Law) and defines, in its 5th paragraph:

§ 5 The exploitation of games of chance, authorized by the federal, state or Federal District Executive Power, does not constitute a contravention defined in the caption of this article.' (NR)"

In his justification, Angelo Coronel states, about the jogo do bicho: “It is opportune, therefore, that the National Congress seize the moment and take a position on this issue, removing from our legal system a provision that contradicts a practice widely known and accepted by society. With this evolution, our criminal legislation will adapt to the daily reality of Brazilians and it will be possible to regulate this other economic activity with strong potential to generate revenue quickly.”

In Amendment 224/2023, the parliamentarian intends to include art. 35-G:

Art. 35-G. The following are authorized throughout the national territory, under the terms of this Law and its regulations:

I – exploration of games of chance; and

II – exploration and operation of games of chance by casinos exclusively in resorts.

§ 1° All types of games of chance to be explored must be authorized by the Union, in accordance with the regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance and in compliance with the restrictions, prohibitions, provision for infractions and administrative sanctions and other guidelines established in this Law.

§ 2° The exploitation of a casino in a resort constitutes an economic activity whose authorization is the sole responsibility of the Union, by means of a decree of the federal Executive Power, subject to the provisions of this Law and its regulations.

§ 3° It is forbidden to use a distribution game in the form of bingo by a casino in a resort.

§ 4° The games allowed to be operated by casinos in resorts will be defined in regulation.

In addition, the amendment completes the ways in which the operation can be carried out, requirements for the installation of casinos and other practices to be adopted in case of approval of the proposed measure.

In his justification, Coronel is adamant:

“Under the tax collection bias, if the Federal Government projects gains from sports betting of around R$ 2 billion already in 2024, the estimates with the regulation of other forms of games and with the implementation of casinos raise this projection for the house of tens of billions, considering the potential impact of the sector on GDP and taking countries like Italy as a reference.”

Source: GMB