VIE 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:13hs.
Public Hearing

CPI on match-fixing discusses interference in games refereeing

The Parliamentary Commission of Investigation (CPI) that investigates match-fixing in Brazil’s football is meeting this Tuesday (22nd), starting at 2 pm, to discuss interference in games refereeing. Participating in the public hearing are the president of the Arbitration Council of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), Wilson Luiz Seneme, and the president of the National Association of Football Referees, Salmo Valentim da Silva.

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Chamber of Deputies, which investigates match-fixing in Brazilian football, had already approved requests to hear referees on issues related to criminal practices detected in Operation Maximum Penalty.

This Tuesday (22nd), the CPI will hold a public hearing to discuss interference in arbitration and will hear the president of the Arbitration Council of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), Wilson Luiz Seneme, and the president of the National Association of Referees of Football, Salmo Valentim da Silva.

Both were convened at the request of licensed deputy Yury do Paredão, and deputies Luciano Vieira, Beto Pereira, Danilo Forte, and Mersinho Lucena.

"Valentim has a wide knowledge of refereeing procedures and practices in football," says Yury do Paredão. Seneme, according to the parliamentarian, "has extensive knowledge about the procedures, training and evaluations of soccer referees in Brazil."

The deputies believe that the two guests will be able to provide valuable information about the protocols followed by the referees, in addition to training and evaluations of these professionals.

Chaired by Deputy Julio Arcoverde and reported by Deputy Felipe Carreras, the CPI that investigates match-fixing in football was installed on May 17th following investigations carried out by the Public Ministry of Goiás that raised suspicions of manipulation in the result of four games in the B series. Last week, the Commission's work was extended for another 60 days.

At this Tuesday's meeting, the collegiate must consider other requests after the public hearing and, probably, the call request of midfielder Lucas Paquetá, investigated by the Football Federation of England (FA) for alleged manipulation of results.

Source: News Chamber Agency