VIE 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:12hs.
Another social action

Loterj allocates US$ 170,000 to early childhood education project in Rio de Janeiro

The Government of Rio de Janeiro, through Loterj, informed the promotion of R$ 840,000 (US$ 170,000) to RioSolidario for the development of an early childhood education project in the community of Vila do João, in Complexo da Maré, in the North Zone of the city. The project was selected through Public Call Notice No. 01/2023, published in DOERJ on April 26, 2023.

During the educational activities at the Vila do João nursery, up to 250 children from six months to three years and eleven months participate in psychopedagogical activities in a safe learning and socialization environment, in addition to receiving four daily meals, a complete uniform and teaching materials.

For the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, the initiative will be another opportunity to reaffirm the importance of responsible gambling and social commitment.

“Loterj is based on responsible gaming and social commitment, which is reaffirmed through the promotion of social projects such as this initiative by RioSolidario at the community daycare center in Vila do João. I am certain that this resource will significantly contribute to the lives of these children who need adequate food and quality education.”

Cançado also highlighted: “We are aware of the reality of these and so many families who need day care centers to have a place to leave their children safely while they work or study. I must emphasize that initiatives like this would not be possible without the full support of Governor Cláudio Castro and the Secretary of the Civil House, Nicola Miccione, who are fundamental public agents to transform the life of every citizen of Rio de Janeiro.”

Another objective of the project is that 50% of the staff at the day care center will be residents of the Vila do João community in the educational actions to be developed.

“The quest for quality early childhood education is a goal that transcends the boundaries of a single institution. It requires a collaborative effort from educators, families, communities and partners. This union is the foundation on which we build a solid and promising future for our children in an enriched, diverse and inclusive learning environment,” highlighted Analine Castro, Honorary President of RioSolidario.

In addition to the nursery in Vila do João, Loterj allocates 70% of its net income to other social projects, such as Casa Abrigo Lar da Mulher, responsible for sheltering women victims of domestic violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Surf Praia Project Para Todos, which offers free surf lessons to at-risk young women, people with disabilities and the elderly.

Source: GMB