JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:31hs.
Normative update

Legislative Assembly approves project that changes public lottery service in Maranhão

As a matter of urgency, the Plenary of the Legislative Assembly of Maranhão approved, in its session this Wednesday (23th), Bill 449/2023 authored by the Executive Branch, which amends four articles of Law 11.389 that established the service public lottery in Maranhão and Law 11,000. The objective is to adapt Lotema to the federal regulations defined by the Provisional Measure (PM) 1,182/2023.


Assembleia Legislativa aprova projeto que altera serviço público de loteria no Maranhão by GAMES MAGAZINE BRASIL on Scribd

According to Message 062/2023, sent to the Legislative Assembly by Governor Carlos Brandão, Bill 449/2023 is justified by the need to promote the updating of the regulatory framework of Loteria do Maranhão (Lotema).

According to the Message, the State of Maranhão took a pioneering position by preparing and publishing disciplinary norms for the Public Service of State Lotteries as early as 2020, shortly after the judgment of Arguments of Noncompliance with Fundamental Precepts (ADPF's) 492 and 493 by the Federal Supreme Court (STF), even before the conclusion of the economic, financial and operational feasibility studies carried out by Maranhão Parcerias S/A (MAPA) for the implementation of Loteria Maranhense.

Governor Carlos Brandão explains that, "with the enactment of State Law 11.389/2020 and State Decree 36.453/2020, which granted MAPA the exploitation of lottery activity in the State, several dialogue procedures were undertaken with the national lottery markets and international events, such as the Road Show, Public Consultation and Procedure for Expression of Private Interest (PMIP), with the aim of, in collaboration with this State-owned Company, selecting the appropriate model for the operation of the Lotema, in accordance with the best practices international."

In the Message, Governor Brandão adds that, still in the study phase, before the publication of the Lottery Operator Accreditation Notice, several interested parties commented on the need to change Lotema's normative set. Bill 449/2023, approved in plenary, now follows government sanction.

Source: GMB