JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:04hs.
Celso Sabino

Minister of Tourism of Brazil also wants money from sports betting

Brazil’s Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino, said this Tuesday (22nd) that he will negotiate with the National Congress a slice of the revenue that will be generated by the new tax on sports betting. 'We intend to work with Congress so that part of the allocation of this contribution is directed to Tourism,' said Sabino at an event by the Parliamentary Front for Entrepreneurship.

According to Sabino, amendments have already been presented to the text of Provisional Measure (PM) 1.182/2023, which regulates sports betting and that does not contain revenue allocation for his ministry. Therefore, he is seeking alternatives to propose changes in the allocation of resources.

Celso Sabino does not know if the revenue would come from the increase in the 18% rate on the GGR to be applied to bookmakers or the rearrangement of the percentages presented in the PM.

He surprised by stating that the taxation set by the government is low. “All over the world, this sector is taxed at a much higher rate, 40%, 50%.”

Quoted to report to the Chamber on the taxation of sports betting, deputy Felipe Carreras claims to be in favor of including Tourism as a source of funds for the measure. He commented that “it is coherent to provide resources for tourism” and that “the value cannot be lower or higher than that of Sport.”

“I spoke yesterday with deputy Felipe Carreras, who is a parliamentarian who works a lot in this segment, and the information I had is that there is already a project with constitutional urgency along with this PM,” added Sabino.

“The advantage of the Bill with urgency is that, with 45 days, it locks the agenda. The PM, however, does not block the agenda,” concluded Sabino, in relation to the procedure of the matter in the National Congress.

Source: GMB