JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:26hs.
It also wants to attract iGaming companies

Subcommittee of Rio Grande do Sul Assembly proposes state regulation of sports betting

The Subcommittee for the Regulation of Electronic Sports Betting of the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) ended its activities and presented a report with its conclusions. As a result, two proposals emerged. One for the licensing of fixed-quota lottery operators (AQF) and the other for the creation of a policy to attract and develop iGaming in the state.

In order to attract companies from the iGaming sector to Rio Grande do Sul, the Subcommittee for the Regulation of Electronic Sports Betting of the Legislative Assembly, an initiative proposed and led by Congressman Marcus Vinícius, finalized its activities and presented its final report .

As a result of deliberations and discussions in the working group, two proposed bills emerged. One of them deals with the creation of the “State Policy for Attraction, Stimulus, Incentive, Promotion and Development of the iGaming Ecosystem in RS” and the second deals with the regulation of iGaming activities and the licensing of fixed quota lottery operators (AQF).

According to Deputy Marcus Vinícius, the proposals aim to create an environment conducive to the growth of the electronic betting sector in Rio Grande do Sul, “iGaming is an innovative sector that makes it possible to place bets on sporting events and other games over the internet, and it has aroused growing interest. The report presented by the subcommittee reflects a collaborative effort to establish solid foundations for the regulation and responsible development of this sector in the state,” he says.

At the presentation ceremony of the Subcommittee's report and the two legislative proposals, the President of the Assembly, Deputy Vilmar Zanchin, emphasized: “I always see that these subcommittees, these temporary bodies, are created to deal with specific issues, but often lack delivery and presentation of concrete results. I see here that there is a proposal for two very important matters for the State.”

The president highlighted the efforts of the working group, which was installed on April 24th and held public hearings, meetings, and lectures. Regarding the propositions, he highlighted that the first bill presented by the deputy, which will complement the current state legislation, establishes, if approved, the “State Policy for Attraction, Stimulus, Incentive, Promotion and Development of the iGaming Ecosystem” in Rio Grande do Sul.

Part of the proposal mentions that "a specific tax policy may be established that offers benefits to companies in the iGaming Ecosystem that invest in human resources education and training actions and institutions, boosting the training of specialized labor in the State,” as a means of attractiveness for the installation of companies in the new sector in Rio Grande do Sul, as stated by Marcus Vinícius.

The second project, which regulates the functioning of iGaming and the licensing of fixed-quota betting within the state of Rio Grande do Sul, presents definitions of obligations for these companies in relation to bettors and establishes limits for advertising.

The text of the project goes so far as to cite as prohibited the carrying out of advertising campaigns related to iGaming whose content: “Present gaming as an alternative to personal, professional or educational problems; Suggest gambling is a solution to financial worries, an alternative to employment, or a way to achieve financial security; Portray gambling as a priority in life; Detract from the image of those who abstain from betting; Suggest the possibility for the bettor to be able to master sports betting through the development of personal skills; Make a connection between gambling and personal and financial success,” among others.

Source: GMB