JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:12hs.
Seeing social actions up close

President of Loterj visits the Rocinha favela to get closer to community’s reality

The president of the Rio de Janeiro State Lottery (Loterj), Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, was last Friday (25) in Rocinha favela, representing the municipality, during a visit to the Residents Association of the community in the month of the entity's anniversary. The objective is to seek rapprochement with all regions where Loterj invests in social actions.

According to João Bosco, president of the Rocinha Residents' Association, this is the first time that the president of such an important institution, such as Loterj, has visited Rocinha, the largest favela in Brazil that is located in Rio de Janeiro's South Zone between the districts of São Conrado and Gávea.

“We, from the Association of Residents of Rocinha, thank the president for his visit. It was an honor to receive the president of an institution like Loterj for the first time, on an incredible day, where he got to know the main points of the community, such as the Rocinha viewpoint, the Academicos da Rocinha Samba School and also the reality of the sub- neighborhoods, which are the poorest regions of the community. May more visits come, because the best place in the world is Brazil, and the best place in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro is Rocinha,” he highlighted.

For the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, the visit represented a unique moment in his life.

“It was a unique experience that I had in Rocinha. The cordiality of the President of the Association and of all those involved, gave me the possibility to demystify what I thought about the community. Getting to know the shops, talking to residents, migrants from other states, such as the Northeast, who have lived in Rocinha for decades and other families who were born in the community, was exciting, impactful and rewarding.”

“I take this opportunity to congratulate Governor Cláudio Castro for his work in the Pacifying Police Unit in that region. Rocinha and all communities in Rio can count on Loterj to continue growing with peace, prosperity, offering opportunities for work, education and hope for better days,” he added.

As part of the Social Responsibility premise, Loterj allocates 70% of its net income to social projects, such as the ‘Surf Praia para Todos’ project, which offers free surf lessons to young women at risk, the elderly and people with disabilities of four communities in Rio; the ‘Casa Abrigo Lar da Mulher’ project, by RioSolidario, which welcomes women victims of domestic violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro and the nursery school in Vila do João, which serves 250 children from six months to three years and eleven months with pedagogical activities and four meals a day.

Source: GMB