JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:49hs.
Partner of 13 years

Intralot congratules Loteria Mineira for a century of social support and investments

This Wednesday (2nd), Loteria Mineira completed 100 years and Intralot, operator in the State, congratulated it on the date: “may this milestone represent the beginning of a new century of prosperity, innovation and investments! We, from Intralot do Brasil, are honored to be part of this story,” stated COB, Sergio Alvarenga, and CEO Gustavo Mantovani.

The Minas Gerais State Lottery completed this Wednesday (2nd) one hundred years. When marking the important date, Intralot do Brasil, a partner of LEMG for 13 years, highlighted the company's contribution to the benefit of society in Minas Gerais through a post by its COB, Sergio Alvarenga, and CEO Gustavo Mantovani:



“We congratulate Loteria Mineira for its 100 years promoting the experience of legal games, contributing tirelessly to the social, cultural and economic development of Minas Gerais.”

“A centenary journey marked by its entrepreneurial spirit, developing a safe and transparent regulation, becoming a reference in the state lotteries market throughout Brazil.”

“May this milestone represent the beginning of a new century of prosperity, innovation and investments in the social welfare of our state! We, from Intralot do Brasil, are honored to be part of this story!”

Headquartered in Brazil since 2008, in March 2010 Intralot took another step in its expansion path and consolidated its presence in Latin America by signing a contract with the now centenary Loteria Mineira.

Intralot do Brasil started its operation together with Loteria Mineira with the launch of its first game: Keno Minas. Then the partnership originated new games: Multiplix, Minas 5, Totolot, Totogol and Speed Race. All of them are available in more than 2,500 lottery terminals located in different points of sale in the State of Minas Gerais.

The operation of Intralot do Brasil also stands out as an important driving force in the state's economy. Responsible for approximately 4,000 jobs generated at its points of sale, present in 433 municipalities, last year it distributed more than R$ 18 million (US$ 3.75m) in commission to its accredited members.

Upon celebrating 100 years, Loteria Mineira states that “it will continue to seek to fulfill its values, through Social Responsibility, Transparency, Ethics and Excellence in the exploitation of Lottery and Similar Games”.

Source: GMB