JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:18hs.
Interferences in Brazilian committees

IOC awaits final resolutions on sports betting provisional measure to take a position

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will not yet comment on the possible interference of the Federal Government in the application of the resources of the Brazilian committees subordinated to it. Under the IOC statute, as well as that of FIFA, these entities cannot suffer state interference under the possibility of being suspended from the Olympic movement.

The understanding within the COI is that for now nothing has been done, in addition to the publication of instructions in the Provisional Measure (PM) that regulates sports betting, which says that the application of public transfers must comply with certain rules, and that is not a definitive text.

The PM can be modified, even lapse or become law. So, for now, the guidance is to wait.

According to a clarification from Brazil’s Ministry of Sport, the folder does not intend to violate the autonomy of the organizations. And that the text of the PM is a regulation foreseen in the Law that deals with the destination of the amounts collected with the lottery, which was never edited.

This confusion between the Ministry of Sport and the IOC arises precisely when Ana Moser is a minister. Within the IOC, an email sent by her in 2009 to the members of the Committee’s board asking them not to vote for Rio de Janeiro as the host of the 2016 Olympic Games, circulated again.

In English, she stated that the city and the country were not ready to organize the Games and that the majority of the people did not approve of “the adventure of a few”.

Source: O Globo