LUN 3 DE MARZO DE 2025 - 06:16hs.
Arthur Lira

Brazil’s Chamber President reaffirms that sports betting regulation will be voted on next week

The president of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, Arthur Lira, said during a press conference this Tuesday (28) that the proposal that imposes rules on online sports betting should be voted on next week. 'The rapporteur for the regulation of the activity, deputy Adolfo Viana, was supposed to talk to the leaders this week, so that we can try to vote next week,' said Lira.

Arthur Lira intends that the project that deals with the regulation of sports betting be voted on next week. The last minute concern of the President of the Chamber of Deputies lies in the fact that if it is not voted on by September 9th, the Bill, which has constitutional urgency, will lock up the voting agenda in the House.

The Bill for sports betting must include proposals for taxation of betting companies that are already included in the Provisional Measure edited by the Ministry of Finance at the end of July. A fee of 18% will be charged on companies' gross revenue. The prize received by the gambler will now be taxed at 30% on the Income Tax (IRPF), with the exception of amounts of up to R$2,112 - which are exempt.

The government's proposal to tax bets was announced in July after an agreement struck between Lira and the current director of Monetary Policy at the Central Bank, Gabriel Galípolo, who previously served as executive secretary of the Ministry of Finance. At the time, it was defined that there would be slicing into two texts: Provisional Measure (PM) and a Bill.

The government must incorporate the PM that deals with the immediate taxation of sports betting to the bill that addresses the structure and administrative processes for monitoring this market. The idea of the Planalto Palace is to approve the bill in Congress within the term of the PM, that is, within four months.

Source: GMB