JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:12hs.
New action by a Brazilian municipality

Chamber installs commission to discuss betting regulation in Porto Alegre

The City Council of Porto Alegre, the capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, installed this Wednesday (30) a Special Committee to discuss and act on the regulation of electronic sports betting. The commission was proposed by councilor Comandante Nádia and approved by the Plenary.

During the installation meeting, councilor Nádia highlighted that Law 13,756/2018 created the fixed odds betting modality. Until then, a decree of 1941 was in force, which prohibited the practice of gambling. However, the regulation of the subject was defined only this year, through Provisional Measure (PM) 1,182/23.

The Supreme Court revoked four years ago the Union's exclusivity to deal with the subject, which opens space for the regulation proposed by the MP by the states and municipalities. The councilor defends that, as they already exist, this type of game needs to be regulated, but she defends that a “minimum state intervention be carried out, with regulations that offer security for all.”

The president of the Chamber, councilor Hamilton Sossmeier, participated in the act and declared the commission installed. He pointed out that there are obstacles to regulation and wished the commission to reach a good result in its work.

The assistant secretary for Economic Development and Tourism of Porto Alegre, Douglas Martello, stated that the bets "are already a reality and are part of the citizen's daily life."

On the other hand, he highlighted the revenue potential for the municipality with betting taxes. "Porto Alegre needs to discuss where these taxes will be destined."

Councilwoman Comandante Nádia will chair the Commission, which will have councilors Márcio Bins Ely as vice-president and Ramiro Rosário as rapporteur. Meetings will be held on Tuesday mornings. The commission will have 60 days, extendable for another 30, to deliver its report.

The rapporteur, Ramiro Rosário, defended a “light, non-bureaucratic regulation that gives freedom so that we can have electronic bets in the municipality of Porto Alegre.” He said that legalization can bring benefits to the population, such as job and income generation.

Source: GMB