JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:27hs.
Productive discussion should engage players

Betmais highlights commitment to sports betting regulation and warns about challenges

Betmais, one of the pioneer sites in the sports betting market in Brazil, expresses its recognition on the importance of regulation for the transparency and integrity of the sector. 'Without a doubt, the arrival of regulation brings several benefits to the entire gaming consumer public, with a safer and more transparent betting environment,' comments Lívia Troise, CEO of Betmais.

However, the website, which has been online since 2013, expresses reservations about the proposed tax structure and licensing fee in the Provisional Measure (PM). "It's not our duty, it's just an idea because we still don't know what will happen. As it was presented, it could limit the quality and diversity of services in the Brazilian sector," warns Betmais’ CEO Lívia Troise.

The recent PM highlights potential repercussions on the perception and operations of betting sites. According to a survey carried out by Opinion Box, 64% of Brazilians see advantages in regulation for the country.

Lívia reinforces Betmais' openness to dialogue with interested parties. “We all need to engage in productive discussions with key players in Brasilia. The text sent to Congress suggests changes of great impact. Therefore, such collaboration between the players is the way for us to shape what will be the true future of the sector,” defends the CEO.

Lívia also highlights possible adverse effects of the proposal for many sites operating in Brazil. "We are discussing an expanding market, which creates jobs and, above all, intensifies the passion and involvement of fans in sports. This debate is fundamental," she stresses.

More than a commercial activity, Betmais sees sports betting as a way for fans to engage with their favorite sport and team, so strong that it blends with the culture of Brazilians. For this reason, the activity, reiterates the CEO, should be treated by all involved as entertainment and reinforces the importance of disseminating the culture of responsible gaming.

“We are available to actively contribute to this process of clarification and awareness of those who play, always prioritizing the best practices in order to guarantee the best experience for our customers," concludes Lívia.

Source: GMB