JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:23hs.
Taxation, integrity and other topics

Sade & Gritz Advogados launches e-book on sports betting provisional measure

The Sade & Gritz Advogados law firm, specialized in gambling law, announced the launch of an e-book with brief comments on the sports betting provisional measure (PM) recently released in Brazil. The measure is the kickoff for the regulation of Law 18.756/18, which was waited for almost 5 years.

With the important start of the betting regulation process in Brazil and the growth of this market, it is essential that the general public, in particular companies in the sector, understand a little more about the subjects that the measure addressed and, of course, also what will be left to other definitions by the competent bodies.

The e-book brings, didactically, important information about some rules that establish how “bets” must operate in the country for them to be considered regular, going through topics ranging from concepts set forth by the PM, and arriving at subjects such as taxation, allocation of resources, marketing and advertising, integrity and security, prohibitions on who can operate or participate in betting, responsible gaming, among other relevant topics.

According to the law firm, the material, at the end, makes a note about inclusions, changes and revocations resulting from the provisional measure in the legal text of Law 13.756/18.

The measure, in order to remain in force and effective, must be approved by the National Congress within 120 days, without prejudice to the processing of Bill 3626/23 and the ordinances of the Ministry of Finance that will help regulate the sector.

Produced by specialists in the field, the content will allow the reader to have a better understanding of the main subjects arranged by the government and understand the current scenario of sports betting in the country.

This e-book reflects Sade & Gritz Advogados' ongoing commitment to providing valuable information and resources to its clients and the public in general, demonstrating its absolute commitment to an effective and valuable performance in the sector.

The e-book can be accessed here.

Source: GMB