JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:14hs.
Thiago Faustino, Weebet CTO

Betting site with a delay in updating odds? That’s how you get left behind

Weebet has been standing out in the Brazilian iGaming market with a robust platform, easy to integrate and with increased attention to the end user. And one of the issues that calls the attention of the company is the good experience for the player. Thiago Faustino, firm’s CTO, highlights in an opinion column the importance of quickly updating odds to ensure the excellent satisfaction of bettors.

When choosing an iGaming platform, it is essential that you, the operator, observe the speed of response and updating of all its data, but mainly the quotes.

For those in the field of sports betting, the focus of every bettor is the quote value. So, over the course of a match, for example, live betting should be quickly updated as the game progresses.

So far we are all in agreement and we can explain this situation in another way, thus making it clear that there needs to be a low latency in updating the information. In the case of high latency, the process of moving data from the initial server to its final destination is long and this is what we want to avoid.

Another important point is that the information needs to be accurate and of good quality. A quick update will not count as a highlight of your betting site if the data provided is not correct.

Both the inconsistency of information and the slowness in updates are criteria that can cause damage to bookmakers. In these situations, we need to think about the opportunities that appear for bettors from these loopholes and how they can financially harm your business.

How to observe these criteria when choosing a platform?

In addition to checking other platform clients, it is essential to know which data provider the iGaming software uses. When dialoguing with the platform, you need to know if they have the same sense of urgency as you do and if the partners are aligned with that need.

Regardless of the chosen platform, if you work with the sports betting market, odds are your main product and you need the guarantee of your software that they will always be available with the best quality on the market and with constant updates.

Source: GMB