JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:18hs.
Hazenclever Lopes Cançado – Loterj president

High taxation of sports betting by the Union may favor state lotteries

In reflection on the directions that the Provisional Measure (PM) should take regarding taxation, the president of Loterj, Hazenclever Lopes Cançado, analyzes what the sector can expect in the future. For him, with taxes that can reach 30%, the tendency is for operators to seek licenses from state lotteries that implement sports betting locally, as is the case with Loterj.

The high amount of taxation on federal sports betting in Brazil, which with the publication of the PM for Sports Betting, reaches 18% of GGR and can reach 30% with the sum of expected taxes, is a cause for concern for bookmakers who wish to regularize to operate in the country and the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gaming.

One of the points highlighted by the note is the comparison of the Brazilian tax rate with that of the United Kingdom, which taxes 15% of the operator's GGR, that is, 3% less than in Brazil.

It is worth mentioning that the betting market in the United Kingdom has been the hottest in the world for a few decades, as I was able to observe during my participation in ICE London, in February of this year, while in Brazil, despite all the cultural potential of Brazilians to enjoy betting and football, we are still at the beginning of regularization.

Faced with this prospect of high taxation provided for in the MP on betting, the scenario becomes favorable for state lotteries, such as Loterj, which continues with an Accreditation Notice for sports betting in operation with a Fixed Grant value of R$ 5 million for five years of activity plus 5% of GGR per month referring to the Variable Grant.

Source: GMB