JUE 19 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 13:21hs.
It would go until September

President of CPI into match-fixing asks for working period extension of the Commission

Deputy Julio Arcoverde, president of the Parliamentary Commission of Investigation (CPI) into match-fixing, presented this Monday (7th), an application asking for the extension of the deadline for completion of the works. In his justification, he points to the need for another 60 days and says that 'despite the good results there are still several people and entities to be heard.'

The CPI, installed in May of this year, has a regulatory deadline of 120 days to complete the works and present the final report. But in the evaluation of Deputy Julio Arcoverde (PP-PI), despite the commitment of the members of the collegiate, “it is necessary to extend the time period initially instituted, so that this Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry can carry out its constitutional mission.”

In the presentation of his request (248/2023), Arcoverde states that 246 requests have already been received from members, including invitations, summons, breaches of secrecy and requests for information alluding to inquiries and police procedures.

The president of the CPI states that “despite the work now performed, which has been generating good results, there are still several people and entities to be heard, steps to be taken, documents to be requested and analyzed, with applications already approved.”

For this reason, he reinforces that “the extension of the term is a condition sine qua non to achieve the objectives of this CPI.”

He also justifies it by the fact that the Commission was prevented from holding meetings of any kind during the period in which matters of great relevance for the country were discussed, such as tax reform issues.

The CPI was installed last May 18 and would have until September 14th to present the conclusions of the investigations and the final report. If Julio Arcoverde's request is approved, the new deadline will be November 13th.


It is scheduled for this Tuesday (8th), at 2:30 pm, a public hearing that will hear the presidents of the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL), Wesley Cardia, and of the Brazilian Institute of Responsible Gambling (IBJR), André Gelfi.

In addition to the public hearing in which the executives will bring to the collegiate the knowledge acquired by the entities and their directors over a long career in the sector, the CPI will deliberate on some of the requirements still pending voting. They are not listed, nor is it known, yet, whether the extension of the deadline for the completion of the CPI will be put up for discussion.

Source: GMB