MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:06hs.
In Senate

Commission approves 1% of amount collected in lotteries for ‘Terra Brasil’ program

The Senate Economic Affairs Committee approved this Tuesday (12) Bill 1,658/2023, which allocates funds collected in lotteries to the National Land Credit Program, known as ‘Terra Brasil’. The text by senator Jaime Bagattoli received a favorable report from senator Mauro Carvalho Junior. The matter now goes to the Agriculture Committee.

Bill 1,658/2023 amends Law 13,756, of 2018, which provides for the allocation of proceeds from lottery collections. According to the proposition, 1% of the resources from the total revenue obtained through bets or selling lottery tickets, in physical or virtual media, must be applied to financing the ‘Terra Brasil’ and credit program.

‘Terra Brasil’ is made up of a set of land reorganization and rural settlement actions and projects, complementary to agrarian reform, promoted through land credit intended for access to land and investments.

The program offers three types of financing for the acquisition of a rural property, in addition to financing the structuring of the property and the production project, and can be paid in up to 25 years, with a three-year grace period.

For Jaime Bagattoli, access to financing has not been satisfactory given the current scarcity of resources. The senator emphasizes that the amount to be allocated to ‘Terra Brasil’ will be offset by the portion for the payment of prizes and the collection of income tax on the prize for one of the existing lottery modalities, at no cost to the public treasury.

Source: GMB