MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:14hs.
Announcement of Minister Padilha

Sports and Finance portfolios will share sports betting, collection will be handled by Haddad

The Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, confirmed this Tuesday (12) that both the Ministries of Finance and of Sports will have structures to deal with sports betting. Collection, regulation and inspection, however, will be handled by Fernando Haddad.

"There is a secretariat for monitoring bets in the Ministry of Finance, which has a role in collecting, registering, granting, regulating, this is exactly the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance," said Padilha, in a press conference. In his speech, the minister confirmed that the new structure of the Ministry of Sports, under the new command of André Fufuca, will be "turbocharged".

"The PP's proposal came, and we agree with it; that there is a structure in the Ministry of Sports, to be defined in detail, a monitoring body on the topic of betting," declared the minister.

According to Padilha, the structure linked to the Sports department may involve monitoring revenue and the integrity of the relationship between the operators and the competitions.

Padilha said that the Ministry of Sports could be a "welcome of complaints", and mentioned that nowadays there are investigations into corruption in sports betting.

"The Ministry of Sports has a very important role in monitoring complaints involving sports betting and will be able to monitor all regulatory steps together with the Ministry of Finance," he stated.

“In addition, part of the resources, which is already provided for in the Provisional Measure, comes to the Ministry of Sports, to promote sport in our country."

The dispute over who will have power over sports betting was one of the main conflicts in the ministerial reform that Planalto announced last week. Fufuca will take over Sports in place of Ana Moser, and deputy Silvio Costa Filho, known as Silvinho, will head the Ports and Airports portfolio in place of Márcio França.

The inaugurations of the new ministers will take place this Wednesday (13): Silvinho's will be at 3pm; Fufuca, at 5pm. Padilha specifically mentioned the appointment of Márcio França to his new position, who is also expected to leave on Wednesday. France will take over the Ministry of Micro and Small Business, which still needs to be created.

Source: Terra