MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 23:06hs.
Sports betting PM is also prolonged

Arthur Lira decides to extend the sports betting CPI for another week

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, confirmed the extension for another week of three parliamentary commissions of inquiry that would end their activities today (14). Among them is the CPI into match-fixing, reported by deputy Felipe Carreras. Also today, it was published in the Union’s Official Gazette the extension for 60 days of the validity of the Sports Betting Provisional Measure (PM).

During the Parliamentary Commission of Investigation (CPI) operation, the collegiate heard from a series of police authorities, athletes and representatives of sports betting houses.

“The president of the CPI on Manipulation of Results in Football Matches, deputy Júlio Arcoverde, informs that he has just left a meeting at the Official Residence of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and, after agreement with the president of the House and the rapporteurs and president of the three CPIs currently operating in the Chamber, an extension of the work for 7 days was authorized, due to the week allocated to the vote on the Tax Reform, which interrupted the activities of the Committees. The originally scheduled date for the closing of the sports betting CPI was 9/14,” informs the published alert.

The commission expected the testimony of the president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), Ednaldo Rodrigues, on Monday (11) this week. He, however, did not attend, claiming that he was out of the country with the Brazilian national team in Lima (Peru), participating in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers.

The report must be presented and voted on by parliamentarians in session this week. Members of the CPI have already said that the document will result in a bill with proposals for regulating the sector. The release of the opinion coincides with the analysis of a bill sent by the federal government with rules for taxation and regulation of the sports betting industry.

According to the rules of the Lower House, the CPIs last for 180 days and can be extended for up to another 60. Lira's decision comes after the suspension of the commissions to concentrate efforts on voting on three priority agendas of the federal government, before the parliamentary recess. The collegiate spent a week without sessions.

At the time, parliamentarians approved the Tax Reform, the bill on the resumption of the quality vote in the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (Carf) and the fiscal framework.

The Sports Betting Provisional Measure has extended deadline

The president of the National Congress, senator Rodrigo Pacheco, also extended the validity period of the Provisional Measure that deals with sports betting. Presidential Act No. 65, published in the Official Gazette this Thursday (14), extended the PM for 60 days.

“THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS, in compliance with paragraph § 1 of art. 10 of Resolution nº1, of 2002-CN, makes it known that, in accordance with § 7 of art. 62 of the Federal Constitution, as amended by Constitutional Amendment No. 32, of 2001, Provisional Measure 1,182, of July 24, 2023, published in the Official Gazette of the Union on the 25th, of the same month and year, and subsequently republished on the 26 of the same month and year, which “Amends Law No. 13,756, of December 12, 2018, to regulate the operation of fixed-odd betting lottery by the Union, has its validity extended for a period of sixty days.

National Congress, on September 13, 2023

Senator Rodrigo Pacheco
President of the National Congress Bureau

Source: GMB