MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:57hs.
EXCLUSIVE - Wesley Cardia, President

For ANJL, the approved sports betting bill goes against market laws

After the approval of the basic text of the project that regulates sports betting and online gaming, the first conclusions of the sector begin to be heard. Exclusively for Games Magazine Brasil, the president of the National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL), Wesley Cardia, states that “higher taxes and grants mean lower investments, fewer bets and, therefore, lower revenue by the State.”

Approval of Bill 3,626/2023

Since the promulgation of Law 13,756 by President Temer, the market (companies and bettors) has been waiting for the text's regulation to become effective. Throughout the Bolsonaro government, the intention was not realized. And the draft Decree was never signed.

The current government took office with the purpose of bringing order to something that has, in fact, existed in Brazil for a long time. With a serious and quality team at the Ministry of Finance, led by José Manssur, the Provisional Measure (PM) was published at the end of July. Perfect? No. Fixable? Yes.

Before the PM deadline expired, the Federal Chamber approved Bill 3,626/2023. With a text based on the work of the Treasury, and receiving contributions from operators and experts, the rapporteur defended in an interview with Globo, on August 5th, the reduction of direct taxes, which had been established in the PM at 18%.

Adolfo Vianna, very intelligent, quickly realized that more taxes would mean greater participation in illegal gambling. He defended logic as much as he could, but he was defeated. The 18% remained, although distributed to other areas.

Now, having read the Rapporteur's proposal, it was found that the project being voted on contradicts market laws. Where higher taxes and grants mean smaller investments, fewer bets and, therefore, less revenue by the State. We look forward to the next steps.

The National Association of Games and Lotteries represents many of the companies that operate legal gaming and lotteries, or are in the process of being legalized in Brazil. ANJL's premise is to defend their interests under the aegis of national legislation in order to improve the system, cooperate with national and subnational legislators and executives by offering information so that the segment is recognized as a productive sector of the economy, generating jobs and promoting tax collection, as occurs in most developed countries.

To this end, we believe that gaming and lotteries operated with absolute transparency bring progress and development to the country. In addition to preventing currency evasion, the incidence of unregulated gambling and, at the same time, attracting foreign capital to Brazil.

Wesley Cardia
National Association of Games and Lotteries (ANJL)