MIÉ 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:35hs.
Yohann Sade, CEO of Sade & Gritz

“CPI on match-fixing has lost focus and its extension only gives the Commission survival”

The extension of the CPI that investigates manipulation of results in football was extended for seven days. In an analysis for GMB, lawyer Yohann Sade says that extending the end of work is ineffective. “This means a last attempt at survival for the Commission which, as it lost its focus, ended up debating topics and trying to investigate companies and people that were not even related to the defined object of its act of incorporation.”

The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) that investigates the manipulation of results in football was extended by the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL) for seven days. Created to investigate a specific topic – the manipulation of results in Brazilians' most beloved sport – the CPI lost its focus in the assessment of Yohann Sade, CEO of Sade & Gritz Advogados.

Specialist in regulatory law for the Gambling Law sector, Yohann predicts what the next steps should be. “This means a last attempt to survive for the Commission which, as it lost its main focus (investigating manipulation of results), ended up debating topics and trying to investigate companies and people that were not even related to the defined object of its act of incorporation.”

To date, more than 270 requests have been presented, some of them repetitive and only a few, mainly from hearings, have been duly complied with. “Fatally, in a seven-day extension, all the requirements already approved will not be properly fulfilled, which will harm the progress of the work and, consequently, the report that will be prepared at the end,” considers the lawyer.

The hearings so far have contributed little to the Commission's own understanding of the system used by criminals to manipulate results and to work and propose measures to combat the practice.

“A good chance was lost to effectively investigate by the Legislative House, incidents of match manipulation and to propose effective measures for their prevention, education and repression, in a true system of integrity in sport,” concludes Yohann Sade.

Source: GMB