SÁB 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 22:15hs.
EXCLUSIVE: João Gabriel Fraga, CEO of Paag

Market analysis and insights: how to differentiate your bookmaker

Establishing and strengthening a perfect interaction between a sports betting house and the bettor is fundamental to a successful experience. João Gabriel Fraga, CEO of Paag, a payment methods platform with a strong presence in the sector, analyzes this relationship exclusively for GMB. “The customer journey is the path from the first contact to post-sales. The important thing is that your company knows the possible user trajectories and improves interaction in all of them.”

The term bet became an international hype. Advertising from the main bookmakers has used the reach of football players, actors, internet and TV presenters to impact the iGaming market, which has gone beyond niches and is now part of people's daily lives.

Whether in advertising or in the newspaper, there has never been so much talk about the subject.

Amid this exposure, do you know how to differentiate your bookmaker, making consumers who have already bet with you choose your brand again when playing?

The new way to relate to bettors

It's nothing new that we are constantly impacted by an avalanche of information. As exposure to multiple channels grows, our attention span decreases.

This is why having more points of contact and a greater number of messages does not necessarily translate into greater influence on the consumer.

That traditional and vertical advertising that existed before connectivity, which started from the company towards the end public, needs to be reformulated.

Since the rise of mass media, people have access to countless advertising messages that show the positive aspects of products. The difference is that, now, the acquisition experience doesn’t stop there! It is very easy to consult a network of friends and communities capable of saying whether a consumer experience will be positive or not.

That's why advertising that doesn't interact with real life no longer convinces. There is a need for much more transparency in processes and a sincere desire to provide the best possible experience for your consumer.

It is not the case that you stop dedicating yourself to communicating with the anonymous public, who have never bet with you. But be sure to invest heavily in the relationship with the customer who entered your platform. This is the crucial moment to work on your differentiation!

Customer journey

To stand out among the countless betting houses, your company needs to map all consumer points of contact with your brand and intervene strategically in each of them. This is what we call the “customer journey”.

The difference between the customer journey and the sales funnel is that the latter is a more linear way of organizing the acquisition process. From this perspective, leads, who are people who have shown interest in your product in some way, begin their journey at the top of the funnel, moving on to other stages until they end in purchase/action.

The customer journey considers consumer behavior more broadly. With the large number of channels through which the player can access your bookmaker, going back and forth to previous contacts, the customer journey is not a straight line. On the contrary! As this is a dynamic process, customers can often be enchanted by your brand before even making their first bet.

Therefore, you should think of the customer journey as the path that the player takes from the first contact with your bookmaker to post-sales, considering possible pauses and restarts.

The important thing is that your company knows the possible customer trajectories and improves interaction in all of them.

A good initial step in this process is to better understand your audience’s behavior. This can be done, for example, by constantly monitoring and analyzing information about the player, or by activating specific promotions that generate relevant data that makes it possible to personalize approaches in the future.

Using this information, you can, for example:

“Generate people”, which will help you understand each point of the customer journey

Improve understanding of initial data by establishing a feedback process focused on player loyalty

Understand player expectations and exceed them


Once you already know data about the player who bets with you and know better how they relate to your bookmaker at different stages of the customer journey, you can improve their experience at each point of contact.

At Paag, for example, when processing payments, we work to ensure that the time the customer spends on the platform is as optimized as possible. Each step of the transaction is designed to be quick and efficient.

Furthermore, it is possible to customize processes that require customization. With this, we help to increase the consumer’s positive experience with the bookmaker.

Thinking about each of the touchpoints of the customer journey helps your company increase repurchase levels and, therefore, also increases your return on investment, since the cost of maintaining a customer is much lower than the to purchase a new one.

As if that weren't enough, continuous work to improve your contact points creates a positive environment for the bettor to stop being simply a repeat customer and become a defender of your bookmaker - one who will attest to the company's credibility with your friends and communities.

Put the player at the center of your actions

Understanding and acting on the experience helps you put the customer at the center of your bookmaker's actions. The consistency of this process provides data that helps you build ever greater differentiation, acting on the specific demands of your audience.

As difficult as starting out is, remember that from the moment your bookmaker starts to identify experience points and monitor data, all the history created will help you implement continuous improvements.

This analysis will allow you to identify new opportunities and also change course more quickly, in addition to preventing crises or problems that could happen if you did not closely monitor the players' experience.

This transformation of mentality with a focus on the end-to-end experience is essential for the customer to choose their bookmaker again for the next game.

João Gabriel Fraga
Paag CEO

Source: Exclusive GMB