As soon as he took over the Ministry of Sports, André Fufuca is already moving to increase revenue for his portfolio and implement a betting board under his supervision.
“I'm not saying that it will leave the Treasury, because there is a Secretariat there, I'm saying that there will be a betting board here,” he said.
“However, the relationship between what the two will be responsible for will be, we will define with Minister Haddad. What relevance will be for us, and what relevance will be with the Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance,” he explained, ensuring that conversations regarding the subject have not yet started.
The project that regulates sports betting was approved in the Chamber, but with changes in the tax division. Tourism was one of the winners, as Minister Sabino claimed.
According to Fufuca, “the division was correct in terms of the areas that will benefit, but I think Sport could expand it a little more. I'm not saying it's small, but it could be bigger.”
Source: Correio Brasiliense