DOM 8 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2024 - 00:36hs.
Another city joins trend

Goiânia Chamber approves project that authorizes creation of municipal lottery

In a definitive turn, the Chamber of Goiânia, state of Goiás, approved the proposal of councilor Léo José that authorizes the city hall to create its municipal lottery. According to the proposal, the proceeds will be used to pay prizes, income tax, operational expenses and financing of actions aimed at the areas of health, education, sport, tourism and social security.

Like other Brazilian cities, Goiânia, capital of Goiás state, may also have a municipal lottery. The Chamber approved the project by councilor Léo José that authorizes the city hall to create a local lottery.

For him, the exploitation of games by municipalities is constitutional and essential to increase revenue allocated to social areas. “I believe that the city's revenue will be immense and the project is in line with everything that has been happening in other locations. We see lotteries in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and in several cities in São Paulo.”

According to the project, the amount obtained from the service will be used to pay prizes, income tax and operational expenses and financing city hall actions in the areas of health, education, sport, tourism and social security. It will be up to the Executive to define the rules of the municipal lottery.

The author believes that the matter will be sanctioned and says that the rules should be defined by decree. “The city hall will have to carry out studies and I believe it is in the interest of all parties, as this will benefit the population of Goiânia,” he stated.

Now, the project goes to Mayor Rogério Cruz (Republicans) for sanction.

Source: GMB