Funcap, created in 1969, aims to fund prevention actions in areas at risk of natural disasters. On another front, the fund is used for the recovery of affected areas in states and municipalities in emergency situations or in a state of public calamity.
According to Carlos Viana, based on data from 2022, the measure foreseen in the bill could result in the transfer of R$232 million (US$ 47m) per year to Funcap. For him, the maintenance of the fund depends not only on the volume of resources transferred, but on the stability of transfers over time.
“The topic could not be more current, because we have observed an increase in the risk of disasters in Brazil. The multiple causes involve, for example, models of occupation of hillside areas or areas subject to flooding and global climate change,” Viana argues.
“Material losses – always difficult to estimate – certainly reach billions of reais. Even more serious: these events, in most cases, are associated with the loss of human life,” he concludes.
Source: Agência Senado